Chapter 32.

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Hunters pov
I arrived at the bar, packed my car at the parking slot, and went into the bar. Inside the bar, I sat in a corner.

Hey handsome, said she and walked up to me. I'm Jennette, she said as she sat beside me. Hope you don't mind me sitting beside you.

Not at all.

So what's your name handsome?


She leans in closer, nice to meet you, Hunter.

Her being so close to me made me blush, I could perceive her sweet smell.

Here is my contact card, she slipped it inside my pocket. Sorry, I have to leave now, I won't be able to keep you company she said and stood up. Make sure you call me, she winked at me and walked away.

Wow, she's so gorgeous, this is my type of woman, I brought out her card and looked through it before putting it back. I'll get to see her again, I said as a waiter walked up to me giving me a glass bottle of whiskey and whiskey glass.

I didn't order anything I said.

The lady you were sitting with earlier paid for it and asked to serve it to you, he said and walked away.

She's full of surprises, I said and poured myself a drink.

Daniel pov
I was scanning through my phone when I heard the baby cry, I dropped my phone on the table and left to attend to him.

Inside his room, I meet Veronica struggling to change his diapers as she curses under her breath. I'll do it, I said.

Thank you, I suck doing all this, I've never changed a babies diaper  she said

Well, I'll teach you, I'm very good at it, back then I used to change Lizzy's diapers.

You must be a very caring brother.

She was the selective type, she never let anyone touch her except me and Hunter, Because of her I had to learn to care for babies.
You are a caring, and also a good father. Let me go bring his milk, she said walking away.

Watching him lay peacefully as I change his diaper makes me recall when Lizzy was his age. I'm always happy when I hold her in my arms, now she's all grown up. After I was done changing his diapers, I held him in my arms, I miss this feeling I smile. I look closely at his face, he looks so much like his mother, I wonder how she is doing right. I think I've broken her heart so badly, separating her from her baby, I was too harsh on her. It's hurt so much to let her go, I don't want her to blame me, she was the one who said she didn't want this baby, I just did her a favor. I don't want to be selfish, I think it's best we go our separate ways.
Just then, Veronica walked in with his milk and gave it to me, After feeding I sang to him the song I used to sing to Lizzy when she was a baby so she could fall asleep. Minutes later he was fast asleep, I couldn't be happier, was this the feeling of being a father? I kiss him on his adorable cheek and lay him back on the bed. You can go back, I want to sleep beside my son, I said to her.

What about me, we were supposed to spend the night together.

My baby needs me I said and slept beside him.

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