chapter 21

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Daniel Martinez pov
I left the room after I was done wearing my clothes, I walked to the shelf where the drinks were kept.
I brought out a bottle of whiskey, opened it, and poured it into a wine glass. I sip out of it and place it on the table, what have I done? I place my hand on my forehead.

I just forced myself on her, I didn't mean to do that, I let my anger get the best of me, Will she ever forgive me?.
I sipped my alcohol once more before I smashed the glass on the floor.
Roseline, I shouted the maid's name.

Sir, she came in a rush.

Who set her free, because you were the last to see her.

I, I, I, she stammered.

You did what, I shouted furiously.

I untie her, she trembled.

Did I warn you not to set her free?

You did, she promised not to cause trouble.

Are you stupid, you know you're fired, I do not want to see your face again. Get out of my sight.

Sir, I'm so sorry, please don't fire me it will never repeat itself, she cried out.

Leave my pretense before I tell the security to throw you out, I said and left in anger.

Yvette Robert's pov.
The smashing sound woke me up, I opened my eyes. I scan the surrounding, it looks unfamiliar to me, where am I, I thought.
I tried to stand up, I felt pains in my body,  the memories of what happened came back.

I started crying for the second time, I look at my body I could see the mark of bite. Why do I have to suffer in his hands, I hate him, I screamed out.
Just then he walked in looking angry, I got scared as he approached me, what if he forced himself on me again.

Stay away from me, don't come any closer, I shouted. He stopped and stared at me, I was so scared of him getting close to me.

Daniel pov
I stood still as I notice how scared she was, she was scared of me. I didn't want to make matters worst, I stood far from her.

I fired my maid for freeing you, so from now on you'll replace her, I said in a heavy tone.

You must be joking, I can never be your maid, she fired back.

You don't have a choice, you'll do anything I tell you.

You son of a bastard, she cursed.
I walked to her and held her hand tightly. It hurts, she groaned in pain.

It'll hurt a lot more if you don't control your mouth.

Let go me, she cried out

I let go of her. I'll send someone to send your uniform to you by tomorrow, then you'll start work whether you like it or not, I said and walked away.

I hate you, I hate you, I heard her say, I ignore it and went out of the house, I entered my car and drove out.

I entered Dad's house, packed my car, and came out. Big brother, I heard Lissy call my name. She ran to me and hug me.

Where have you been, I missed you so much?

I've been working, that's why I couldn't visit but now I'm here.

I'm happy you're back, I've missed having you around.

Me too, so where's mom and Dad.


Okay, let's go in.
We walked in together, I met dad in the sitting room, he's eyes were all focused on the news he was watching on the tv.

Dad, Daniel is here, she echoed.

He turned, oh, my son is back, he walked up to me and hug me. You made me so proud, for that, I'll reward you but firstly, we need to celebrate your achievement.

Yes, you are right.

Lizzy, go get your Mom, we need to celebrate.

Okay, dad, she rushed out.

So son, about the case of late Rodriguez Roberts, will he be charged to court for illegal business?

The police departments have dropped the case due to his demise but all the assets he has obtained will be confiscated.

That's good, he chuckled. Let's go have a drink before your mom and sister join us.

Okay, dad.

We sat by the poolside sipping out drinks.

Daniel, I'm so happy at the way things are going, everything was made possible because of you, I'm proud of you.

Thanks, dad.

Because of your hard work to make this plan go well, make a wish, I'll make sure I fulfill it.

I smiled, I know dad doesn't go back on his word but there's nothing I want, I just want my family happiness.
Dad, I can't think of a wish now but later I might have what to wish

Okay, know that I always fulfill any wish you make.

Okay, dad.

Mom and Lizzy came to join us at the pool

Son, mom called out to me as she rushed to hug me.
I missed you so much, she said and held me more tightly.

I've missed you too Mom.

I'm glad you're back.

Thanks, mom.

I handed her a glass of whiskey, she sipped from it.
Dan, Mom called out to me.

I frowned, whenever she calls my name in short, she wants something.

Go ahead mom, I know. You want something.
She hesitated for a while and looked me straight in the eyes before she spoke up.

Dan, look at me and your father, we ain't getting any younger. When are you settling down, we need to hold our grandchildren?

Mom, not again.

Dan, if you are finding it hard to look for a girl, I can help you out, there are many of my friend's daughters I can set you up with one.

Mom, I think we should end this conversation, I'm not ready. When I'm ready you'll be the first to know.

Okay, I can be of help if you can't find one, think about it.

I will but it's not a promise.

Okay, you know I love you, I want the best for you.

I know and I love you so much more.

Enough of the mother and son's reunion, let's enjoy the evening together.

Cheers to everyone, dad raised his glass, and we all did the same.

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