Chapter 5

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Yvette POV
I'm starving, I haven't tasted anything since I came back, and I slept off because of the stress and frustration I had to face today. I stood up from the bed and stretched my body, Let me go check if I will see what to eat in the kitchen. Oh my god, why is he the first person I meet on my way to look for food? Seeing him makes my blood boil. I don't know why but what I know is that I hated him from the first time I saw him. He should watch his back because he doesn't know what's coming his way, I'll make sure he leaves this house.

Daniel POV
Looking at her expression I know she doesn't like me, for me to carry out my plan I need to be on good terms with everybody in this house, but I have a bad feeling that things will be tougher for me. I need to make her like me or even fall in love with me although she's not my type, Her stepsister is an easy caught no much trouble with her.

Yvette POV
I tried to dodge him because I didn't have the strength for a fight because right now I was starving but why did he have to stop me, I  was not in the mood to talk.

*** I know we didn't start on good terms, If I offend you in any way, I want to apologize for that.

*** I'm not in the mood for a chat.

*** I just want us to be friends

Yvette POV
He doesn't know when to give up, Doesn't he understand that I don't want to talk to him am not in the mood I need to tell him straight so he won't bother me again

***No we can never be friends, so can you please move away from me my way I have something important to do I don't have your time

Yvette POV
I just walk away I'm never going to be his friend, never, I don't like seeing him here and I'm going make sure Dad fires him but his last sentences surprised me

** I will never give up on you I will make sure we become friends

*** Do whatever you want it's never going to happen

Daniel POV
I knew it, she was going to be hard to get, no girl had ever treated me like this. It makes it interesting and tough at the same time, she has gotten my attention and I won't back down without a fight. I smiled and walked away.

Yvette POV
Where is that smell coming from its smells nice, wow it's coming from the kitchen. I wonder who's in the kitchen, I can't help it anymore I need to go and check I might even get something to eat.
I walked to the kitchen, and I was caught by surprise to see Brenda in the kitchen. She must be the one preparing the food I was perceiving, I went in.

*** Brenda, I never knew you were in the kitchen. It's surprising to see you in the kitchen cooking, Do you know how to cook? The maids are here Why didn't ask them to make dinner? I thought the rich didn't stress themselves they left their maid to do everything for them

*** Theirs more thing you are going to know about me, yes I know how to cook I love cooking so I'm the one who always does the cooking in this house. I am married to your father, not the maids so my husband is going to eat my food and not the one prepared by the maid.

*** You are a good wife no wonder my dad fell in love with you, would you like to share with me how you learned how to cook?

**Yes sure, my mother taught me how to cook I came from a poor home  My Mom taught me how to be hardworking because of her teaching I became successful

** Oh That's touching and a nice story but I wish my mother was here I miss her so much

Yvette's POV
I didn't know when I started crying I miss my mom I wish she was here and see the type of woman her daughter has grown up to be. Brenda hugged me, it made me feel better I have never felt like this ever since my mom passed away

** Please don't cry I'm here for you any time you need me, I don't like seeing you cry. dry your tears dear I didn't mean to make you cry, I am sorry.

** No don't be, I just miss my mom if only she was here. Can you teach me how to cook?.

** Yes I will be pleased, but promise not to cry again.

** I won't, I promise, now, can I get something to eat I am so hungry

** Yes, go sit at the dining table I will serve you now.

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