Me: (under the covers) You will just use me to get a chance to play with your dogs. Go and play with them there! Who's stopping you?! Leave me alone, I can live without you!

Qing: (sounding exhausted) God, I sometimes really wish I know how to quit you.

Me: (sprouting out of the covers) Okay, that was harsh, my bad. Of course I can't live without you. But I also cannot live with this version of you who pushed me to move on with my life when someone important just left me. I am in mourning Qing, can't you see that?

Qing: Mrs.Tiu didn't die! Why are you in mourning? What the hell?!

Me: I am mourning the relationship that will never be the same now that she let herself be seduced by her grandchildren. Ugh, kids! Why do people like them?

Qing: You love kids.

Me: (nodding) I do. But I only love those who doesn't steal my housekeeper from me.

Qing: You are insane.

Me: I am not.

Qing: Nobody stole your housekeeper. She retired.

Me: She was coerced to retire.

Qing: You are insane.

Me: Stop calling me insane!

Qing: Fine. You are not insane but this situation is. Stop digging your heels. Mrs.Tiu will not be back. She is retired and happy with her children and grandchildren. Lets be happy for her. You and I, we will get a new housekeeper by next month. End of the discussion.

Me: I am reopening this discussion. We will not get a new housekeeper until I am ready or able to convince Mrs.Tiu to come back to me. Whichever comes first. End of the discussion.

Qing: (deeply frustrated) Ugh! I hate arguing with you when you are unreasonable like this. You are so stubborn. And people had the gall to call me stubborn. If only they know how mule headed you can be.

Me: Hey, in case you are missing it, you are not giving up yet. That means you are as stubborn as me. If you are not, then I should've already won!

Qing: Fine! We are both stubborn. And yes, you will not win this time. We will get a new housekeeper and that's that. (turning away)

Me: (shouting at Qing's back) Not a second before I am ready to get a new one! Do you hear me, Wang Qing?!

Qing: Whatever!

Qing left our room annoyed at me. He left the room with me annoyed at him. We were both annoyed after that argument. I don't know what Qing did to pass his annoyance but I took a nap. I was already in our bed so why not?

I woke up a little cold and to kisses. Qing got me properly naked, himself as well. I woke up to him kissing and licking my chest.

Me: (yawning) Did I say yes to this?

Qing: (surging up to kiss my lips) Not yet. Wanna fuck?

Me: (without hesitating) Yes. But that makes me sound eager and easy so at least give me one reason to save my demure reputation.

Qing: (frowning) What demure reputation?

Me: (raising my arms to hug his shoulder) That. Whatever is on your mind.

Qing: (chuckling) You drive me insane.

Me: Okay, that's a good enough reason to fuck. Lets do this.

I tried to pull Qing down but he resisted.

Qing: That was not the reason...I was just saying that you drive me insane because that the honest fact, not actually giving you the reason why we should fuck.

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