"I don't know, Aang," katara wonders, "why don't you ask Sokka's instincts? They seem to know everything."

"Ha ha very funny." Sokka replies sarcastically.

"I'm tired of carrying this pack." Aang complains again.

"You know who you should ask to carry it for a while? Sokka's instincts!"

"That's a great idea," Aang plays along with the joke, "hey! Sokka's instincts would you mind-"

"Ok, ok! I get it." Sokka gets defensive, "look guys, I'm tired too but the important thing is that we're safe from the fire nation-" his thought was cut off as we walk through a bush leading us straight into a fire nation camp.

"Well sokka," I say, "did your instincts predict this?"

"Run!" He yells back and we try to but the soldier blast fire to the bush exit, "we're cut off!"

"Sokka, your shirt!" I warn and katara waterbends her water to put out the flame.

They were closing in on us and Sokka started to get cocky, "if you let us pass we promise not to hurt you."

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Bluffing" he whispers back.

"You promise not to hurt us?" The leader says but quickly fell to the ground after.

"Nice work, sokka. How did you do that?" Aang asks.

"Uh, instinct?"

"Look!" Katara points and a boy comes down from a tree by using hooks, taking out two more soldiers. He grabbed two more after that by their ankles and flipped them to the ground.

"Down you go," he says with a smirk.

"They're in the trees!" A soldier yells out just as a little kid lands on his shoulders, laughing. I look up and see another boy hanging, using the bow and arrow to attack.

My head almost spun as I tried to keep track of them all. I stayed by Aang and Katara and watched as sokka prepared to fight a fire nation soldier but hook boy got to him first, "hey! He was mine!"

"Gotta be quicker next time." At this point I just stood and watched because these people knew what they were doing. My help wasn't exactly needed. After stepping on someone's literal head the boy ended off in front of me, "hey."

"Hi?" An odd feeling warmed in my stomach. Frustration? I'm not sure but this boy doesn't seem like good news.

"You just took out a whole army almost single handed." Aang wows at the scene before him.

"Army?" Sokka says, "there were only like 20 guys."

"My name is Jet and these are my freedom fighters." He introduces them all to us, "sneers, longshot, smellerbee, the duke, and pipsqueak."

"Pipsqueak, that's a funny name," Aang walks over.

The large man of a boy says, "You think my name is funny?" Great, these are not people you wanna mess with Aang.

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