Chapter 50: Watching is more fun

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Hi! So in this chapter we are gonna look at Lucifer for well last time. I mean I am not ending his character. He is too volatile to end. But this will be last time we talk about heaven and Lucifer again for a pretty long time. Situations below heaven are pretty much messy themselves and require certainly more attention than council meetings of Lucifer.
                       10th January,2017.              
"What happened to dancers here? It has been almost three days since I have arrived and I have seen no heavenly dancers or music." Lucifer asked lazily sitting on his throne.

"Heaven changed vastly after your exile. Dance were only for souls that come here . Music were for angels who reach top by their work for a year." One began explaining at which he laughed.

"What is this? A mortal's office ? From now on , every time music and dance will be there." He announced at which there was quite a murmur among angels but everyone quietened down fast when they saw him glaring.

"Your grace! I have some news for you." One angel came running.

"Well! Tell us now, will you?" He smirked.

"Tuvalu is blown up." He stated.

"Tell me! Do you think I read earth history or geography when I was ruling hell?" Lucifer glared.

"Uhmmm....well we did when in Heaven." He chuckled nervously.

"Basically he is saying that a country in multiple nations of mortals blew up and not by their weapons but something godly." Remiel came to his rescue.

"Hmm! That is interesting. But as I said, carry on with music and dance." He rolled back on throne relaxing while everyone looked at each other thinking that why Lucifer wasn't worried about the situation that the angel has just described.

                       13th January,2017               
"Egyptian gods have started a war. They have taken Central kingdom of Sea Realm and Poseidon." A angel came breathing heavily.

"What? But you all know what we must do." Lucifer calmed down sitting back on throne.

"Do we?" Raguel asked not Knowing.

"We must wait . We can't interfere in their wars. These Egyptian are intent on defeating Greeks and Romans so let them or let them try . Whoever is left will be weak and that is right time to attack and that is why we can't bother with any of these news ." Lucifer told them.

"I understand. But we must at least plan to get ourselves a powerful weapon. I mean what if they think about attacking us ." One asked.

"They won't." Lucifer sighed.

"And how exactly do you know that?" He questioned.

"Coz they are idiots." He chuckled and went to room where Azrael was chained.

"Enjoying it , sister." He asked looking at her motionless.

"What can I say? These chains are so much better than being in a council of douche like you." She spat.

"I see! You still haven't lost your attitude. Well! If thousands years have taught me anything, it is patience." He stated to which she laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" He grunted.

"You made a joke. I mean is that what you told yourself when you quickly used Spear of Destiny to have good reality for you and your pet. Is that what you thought about when you lost both powerful weapons due to a simple mortal boy? Defeated by the very same kind you think are nothing." She laughed.

"Bleezbub has become quite annoying down in hell. You know. Living in same place and doing nothing but torturing mortals. I guess he could become quite pleased by torturing a angel in heaven." He smirked as Azrael raised her eyes .

Lucifer was getting lonely in heaven. I mean he had at least Lilith in hell, Lelia for past few weeks but no one was with him in heaven. It was magnificent but just not same.

"If you miss it so much , why don't you go back ?" Uriel shrugged seeing him looking down at earth and other realms.

"No! Watching is more fun." He sighed.

"Is it truly?" Uriel doubted.

"You don't seem very unnerved by me taking over hell , locking up Azrael and all." He asked him curiously.

"Well! I just knew this was gonna happen some day. I mean the day you got Flaming sword, I knew heaven was doomed to fall in your hands one way or another. Not because you had flaming sword but you had finally tenacity and courage to get it by any means. It showed that you were finally ready to do anything for what you want." Uriel told him.

"I have still no idea that how you get so philosophical ideas in your brain and after thousand years, that is saying something." Lucifer chuckled.

"You do realize that you don't need to conquer Nine Realms now when all your enemies  are fighting but you could go beyond Nine Realms and take over Asgard and other realms which are not main but still pretty good outposts." Uriel suggested.

"And leave heaven open for taking. I don't think so . Besides I don't want those realms. And fighting to get it would just reduce my power when I will need it as much as I could have when all are done fighting there and then I will attack ." He answered.

"Sounds like you have everything already planned. I am impressed, Lucifer. You have changed a lot . At least become wiser." Uriel smiled.

"I am just gonna ignore last comment but thanks. The only thing we have to do all this while is to watch and even though it is more fun , it is also unnerving and scary ." Lucifer sighed.

"Because at each point, you feel that by intervening now , you could have make things easier, being spectator gives you multiple possibilities of what you could have done in past and it is unnerving when you feel that you are moving to right way but at same time , how am I sure it is the right way?" Uriel finished and both smiled looking below the heaven again.

Amicis vale! Keep thy self posted for next chapter.

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