Chapter 10: Runaways

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There was an utter silence for quite a long time. Daniel wasn't sure that it was good. But he was pretty sure that now things were hell lot complicated than they were before.

"Asteria! I don't really mind silence. But are you okay?" He asked her.

"Yes! I am fine. Never better." She lied.

"Look whatever it was, it is over. Now we will go to Greece with your cousine and he won't disturb us, right?  Daniel told her.

"My cousine. We are not going to Pietho now." She revealed.

"Whoa! Whoa! What happened?" He asked her shocked.

"Lucifer happened. Didn't you see him with his horns? He presented a choice to us and he would expect an answer soon. If we go to Pietho now , she would get stuck in that situation. It will be unfair to her. She has helped me since I am on Earth. We are leaving U.K. without her" Asteria told him.

"Right! But you could at least you know send her a text message like "hey sis! Got stuck by Lucifer in choice dilemma. Gotta go alone now." He looked at her.

"I don't know how to type." She said bluntly.

"Oh right! How did you pick up my call then?" He asked wondering.

"That was Pietho." She reminded him.

"Alright! Well I will tell you how to send it but I gotta ask 'how does a random Greek goddesses get money to book plane ticket?' Daniel asked puzzled.

"My sister gave to me. She had been travelling lot more than me and I can use magic in casinos and all to win money. She told me that." She said remembering .

"Cool!" He exclaimed and then showed Asteria how to send a message.

"Wow! This is so great. I mean just send from anywhere. I guess Hermes must have been out of job then." She chucked.

"Not really! He still has speed , trade , pranks, internet.." I began and she looked as if to say "it was rhetorical"

"Where are we going by the way?' He asked her.

"Somewhere safe. I think at least. " She sighed.

"Okay! I am totally fine with air of mystery." He grunted.

"So Daniel! Tell me why did you become interested in us?" She asked him.

" By us, you mean gods." He reiterated

"Obviously." She looked at him strangely.

"Well! I was just reading somewhere one day that...


"Scientific Revolution has completely changed the world. Theories like big bang implore us all to believe that no fancy supernatural force was responsible for creation of universe or us. People believing it are deluded and engross themselves too much in myth and live seperate from reality."

"Oh! Turn that off. You always switch channel there." Daniel groaned at his sister.

"Fine!" Nancy agreed.

Daniel went up to his room and streched himself on the bed. If science is everything truly , then so many things just won't make any sense. For example how come Homer wrote two legends about Greek wars and gods and it was all done truly too because it is discovered by archaeology, then without participation of gods , the whole war seemed pointless and illogical.

If Jesus was born , crucified really since it is known that he existed , then how come people can say he was just a human when the very same people wrote about him as son of God. People are driven by spirit of curiousity and inability to believe something at hearing. They need to see things themselves to believe it and people certainly wouldn't agree to a common standpoint that "hey! Let's write this Jesus guy as God." Why would they? Everyone will argue for different humans that way or themselves so that they can be glorified in history.

And if so many people wrote letters and agreed to his existence as being god , it must mean he had done something not so common to convince people to agree to that.

He could think of many other instances where science and logic proved that it cannot be proved but at same time the rules of human and social psychology which are prevelant today would say contradictory to it and psychology principles are verified so they are true so it must mean those myths are true or at least have fair base to be true as much as science or history has."

And from that moment, Daniel decided to learn about gods and all.

"Wow! You are really one hell of a reasonist " She chuckled

"Yeah! I guess I am." He smiled.

"Now you know you are right. It must be pretty exciting to remember those moments." She raised her eyes .

"Yeah!" Suddenly there was a vibration in my pocket. I took out the phone.

"Don't you dare go away, Asteria. Whatever the situation, we can face it together. Wait for me at airport. I am coming soon."

"I guess that is your cousine for you" I grinned.

"This is no moment to grin. I can't let her fall in danger for me. We need to run now." She ran into side lane.

"Hey airport is other way." Daniel yelled running after her.

"Screw airport! And screw plane. I hate being in air. We are teleporting there." She held his hands quickly and in a second, they were on a foreign land. All around it was sand and sand.

"So you have brought us into desert. Are you planning an execution." He chuckled nervously and both impressed by her magic.

"No, idiot. We are Runaways now. And this is only place where Lucifer don't come or bother to look." Asteria smiled.

"Greece?" He suggested.

"No! Egypt. Oldest country in your world." She looked at the place with delight and warmth she hadn't felt in long time.

Amicis vale! Keep thy self posted for next chapter.

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