The Changing of Ways

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"Harry, come on," Hermione yelled happily across the courtyard. 

"Come on Harry, you are going to be late," Ron called excitedly with Hermione. 

"I'm coming, just give me a minute," Harry shouted back. 

"The famous Harry Potter, going to hang out with your mud blood and blood traitor friends now are you?" Draco drawled walking closer. 

"Shut up Malfoy, or else," Harry growled. 

"Or what? Get you in trouble?" Draco laughed. 

"Oh, you asked for it, Draco," Harry spit out steaming mad. 

"What, your friends are rubbish and you do suck you know," Draco listed. 

"Watch what you're saying Malfoy or you'll be in trouble," Professor McGonagall stated, coming closer. 

"But-but-Professor," Malfoy stuttered. 

"No but's Malfoy", Professor McGonagall said strongly. 

"Ha, ha, haaaa, I made you say butt," Malfoy laughed. 

"Do you want me to talk to Professor Snape about this? Or even the Headmaster?" Professor McGonagall warned. 

"No Professor," Draco replied sadly and slowly walks away hoping to catch Harry busted. 

"Oh Harry, why do you always get yourself into trouble?" Professor McGonagall sighed and Draco snickers quietly. 

"Professor, I don't go to the trouble the trouble always comes to me," Harry states respectfully and Draco looks angry. 

"Well said Harry, well said," Professor McGonagall says pridefully and walked away into the castle. 

Then Ron and Hermione run over. 

"What was that all about Harry?" they asked together. 

"Draco getting himself into trouble" Harry laughed and Ron and Hermione joined in on the fun.

 "Catch me if you can", Ron shouted behind him as he ran to Hagrid's. 

"Oh I will so beat you Ron," Hermione called out right behind him. 

"Wait for me," Harry screamed down the hill while getting closer to them.

 "Wha u all doin'?" Hagrid asked stepping outside his hut. 

"Seeing who can win the race," huffed Hermione breathlessly. 

"So who won?" Ron wheezed slowly. 

"I'd say I won," Harry breathed with great effort. 

"I'd woul' say Hermi-one won tha' race thing," Hagrid spoke up proudly. 

"Well someone got a head start," Harry puffed. 

"Well I call for a rematch," Ron said. 

"Later Ron," Hermione said. 

"Yeah, let's talk to Hagrid first," Harry agreed. 

"Well, okay. But let's race from Hagrid's," Ron said. 

"Fine," Hermione agreed. 

"Yeah, let's do it," Harry also agreed. 

Then the trio walked to Hagrid's hut and knocked on the door. 

"Hagrid, it's us," Harry called through the door. 

When he heard Harry's voice, Hagrid came and opened the door. He held it open and said joyfully, 

"Come in, come in." 

And then I had to do my work in class again. Oops...

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