Talent Show - Harry Potter Puppets

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Stage Directions - Bold

Talking - Normal

Character's Speaking - Name:

Hermione: Hi Harry, how are you today?

Harry: Good, how about you Hermione?

Hermione: Just fine, have you seen Ron anywhere?

Ron: Hello, I was just going to potions class.

Hermione: Oh how could I forget about potions class! How silly of me!

Harry: Hermione it's okay. Don't worry everyone forgets things.

Hermione: Not me though!

Snape: What are you three yelling about? Potions class is canceled today.

Dumbledore: What is all this ruckus about?

Hermione: I thought we didn't have potions today but...

Dumbledore: Quiet, Severus warn the others, Voldemort is coming. As for you three, come with me.

Harry: Where are we going, Professor?

Hermione: Duck! (spell comes and hits stone)

Ron: What duck? What is going on anyway?

Hermione: Honestly, can't you hear Ron? You-Know-Who is back!

Ron: Nonsense! (Voldemort appears in the middle of the stage)

Ron: Never mind! What do we do Harry?

Voldemort: Snape! Where is he? Oh hello, Dumbledore. Wait, Dumbledore!? What are you doing here?

Dumbledore: I thought Hogwarts needed me more than the Ministry. (Snape appears next to Voldemort)

Snape: Sorry Dumbledore.

Dumbledore: No, it's quite alright, Severus.

Snape: Stupefy!

Harry: What did you do to him?

Snape: I only stunned him.

Harry: Okay. Wait, what?

Voldemort: Silence! Snape, get rid of them!

Hermione: Stupefy! (Hits Snape)

Voldemort: Seriously kid! Why did you do that?

Hermione: Well, I wasn't going to let you kill us!

Voldemort: Good point... Anyway, goodbye now!

Harry: Stupefy?

Hermione: Come on Harry, you can do better than that! (all fall, stuff falls from the top of the stage)

Voldemort(offstage):Mwah ha ha ha!. (Voldemort comes up)

Voldemort (ticking): Voldemort, Voldemort, oo, Volde, Volde, Volde, Voldemort. (Danda, da, dont, de)

(Author's Note) My friends and I did this at the school talent show. Man, did I get laughed at for weeks for writing and coming up with this. All in good fun, of course...

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