Destroying The Elements Short Story 2 - Finding Another

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Harley's POV

Lauren guides us through the vast tunnels of the underground.

"What do you think is happening to Olivia up there," I ask tentatively.

Lauren stops suddenly, making me bump into her. She pushes me into a room and then slams the obsidian door closed.

"I don't know," Lauren mutters, looking behind me, "But I do believe that someone behind you can help us.

I whip around, looking in the semi-darkness left by the packed dirt to find this person.

"Hello," the person says, "You finally noticed me. And yes, I may be able to help you."

"Who are you?" I question nervously.

"I am Mylee, and I am in the same boat as you," the person says warmingly.

"What do you mean?" Lauren wonders aloud.

"My twin sister, Kyle, was taken by someone named Jace," Mylee whispers, silent tears falling down her face.

"What can you do," I blurt out, unable to keep it back.

"I, I can control earth," Mylee mutters, lost in thought.

"Awesome!" Lauren exclaims, taking Mylee's hand, "let's go kick some villains butts!"

Lauren and Mylee worked together to get us out of the underground. Then they shot us down the street like a bottle rocket. We took many twists and turns, finally ending up at the place where Jay controlled me. I shudder at the thought, and then move on to look at what it's been turned into.

"Lauren, Harley," Olivia whispers from in one of the jail cells surrounding the massive dome, "Get out of here with your friend, they'll torture you all if you don't run this instant!"

We froze, staring at our friend and what one week in this place has done to her. She looks all rugged and beat up and her clothing is torn up into little shreds. There are many empty cells everywhere, waiting for people to habitat them. In the center, there is a huge podium that looks like it's made for people to rule from.

"I see you've come back," a boy says, coming out from behind one of the cells.

"I've just talked to my sister," Jay says, amused.

"Yeah, they told me you guys would come back eventually," another boy appeared, taking interest in their conversation.

"Who are you?" I ask, baffled.

Olivia responds, "The boy by the other cage is Jace, the second boy who appeared is Jay, and the last one is Jake."

"Are they all?" Lauren stops short, not wanting to say the words aloud.

"Yes, their all my brothers, and they all have powers," Olivia says, leaning against her cage, seemingly not caring about this meeting at all.

"Jace has fire, but what do they have?" Mylee asks, pointing to the other boys in wonder.

"Jay has air and Jake has earth," Olivia says, finally standing up and fully facing us, "and I have water."

"The four elements," I whisper, suddenly understanding what this meant.

Then Lauren spoke the prophecy, "The elements of four, all brothers and sister alike. Each one will like each other, except for one. In return, the other four must win her over, until she caves in. When they join and reunite at last, who will remain to stand side by side, while they tear the world apart."

"It's only a matter of time," Jake muttered, disappearing.

I screamed, trying to understand what was happening. I heard Lauren and Mylee scream too and before I knew it, we were all in cells.

"You should have left when you could have," Olivia growled, clearly mad at us.

When the boys, or the three J's as we call them, come and take me out of my cell, I actually don't mind too much.

"Harley," Jay whispers to me.

"What?" I whisper back, confused.

"Promise me that you aren't going to die, not today at least," He responds.

"Okay?" I mumble, even more confused.

And all of a sudden, he disappears. I look around my new surroundings and see a girl about my age look up at me from a desk. The room was semi-dark and there was a desk and a chair.

"Please sit," the girl says, gesturing to the chair across from her, with her sitting behind her desk.

"Who are you and what is going on?" I ask.

"I am Delphie and I am going to help you train," the girl answers, arranging some papers on her desk.

"What?" I question, not understanding.

"I have fire powers, and I am going to help you train to defeat the boys when the time comes. These papers here are written in a hidden language, and the only way to read them is to find the book of The Four Girls. It's been lost for centuries and the only way to save the earth is to find this book and read these papers," Delphie explains, getting up and opening the door.

"Wait a second, so I have to help you find this book and try to save the world?" I reply.

"Yes, and if you don't come and help, you're dead meat. Let's go," She barked, whipping out the door.

I followed her out of the office and raced after her, trying to catch up. Once I reached her, I looked around at where we were and found dirt passages.

"Where are we going?" I ask, trying to keep the nervousness out of my voice.

"You'll figure it out soon enough," Delphie sings, reaching a hole and jumping into the unknown.

Thank you so much for reading, Finding Another. I hope you enjoyed it. The next book in the series, Destroying the Elements, is called The Wild Ones Fly. 

Again, that last bit was apart of the story too...

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