Play - Magicals - Act 1

2 0 0

Stage Directions - Bold

Talking - Normal

Character speaking - Name:

Narrator: One day Lily, Lauren, and Gracie went for a picnic. They left early one Monday morning to pick a spot, but when they got to the park, they saw that the overnight storm had destroyed the park.

Lily: Oh no, the park is a disaster!

Lauren: Where are we going to have the picnic?

Narrator: The wind blew the ground stirred and the debris flew off the ground. Before they sat down they saw three people leave.

Gracie: Who are they?

Lauren: I don't know, but I think they're the new kids at school.

(Nora and Taylor enter the park.)

Lily: Hey guys, how are you?

Taylor: Good, (pause) hey where did that mysterious wind come from?

Nora: I saw some people over there.

Gracie: Yeah, we did too.

Narrator: On Friday at school Lily, Lauren, and Taylor saw the three teens that they saw at the park at school.

Taylor: Look it's the people we saw on Monday.

Lily: Where?

Lauren: Over there. (said Lauren pointing)

Lily: What should we do? I mean like do you think they made the debris move?

Taylor: Yeah, I think we all do. 

Lauren: Hey guys start talking about something else, Scarlet's coming.

Taylor: Hi Scarlet, how are you today?

Scarlet: Hey I don't have a lot of time to talk, but you guys have to tell me what you guys were talking about now or, well, you don't want to know what's going to happen. So what were you talking about. I want to know everything.

Taylor: We saw three really awkward people at the mall and they were doing this weird chicken dance thing and we were talking about why.

Scarlet: My mother and I will find out what you were talking about and you will pay.

(Scarlet left) Lily: Who is her mother?

Taylor: I don't know, but she must be really bad. (Nora enters)

Lauren: Oh hey Nora.

Lily: How are you?

Nora: Oh I am great. I was wondering if you guys want to go to my birthday party tomorrow?

Taylor: Um, we'll try to go.

Nora: Sure, okay thank you. See you around school! (Nora walks away)

Taylor: Okay, see you.

Lily: That was close.

Lauren: Here comes Nora again. (Nora walks back)

Nora: Hey guys do you want to talk about the park?

Scarlet: What park? What happened at the park? Tell me what this is about or else.

Nora: I was just going to ask Lily, Lauren, and Taylor to come to a picnic at the park.

Scarlet: Fine, then I will leave you alone but just remember I'm always watching. (Scarlet and Nora walk away)

Things that I have writtenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora