Play - The Girl Unknown - Act 1

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Stage Directions - Bold

Talking - Normal

Character's Speaking - Name:

(August, Taylor, and Caroline enter, walking to school.)(grounds scene)

August: First day of school, are you guys excited?

Taylor: The only thing that is really exciting about school is seeing the boys and watching them every, single day.

Caroline: That is really fun and all, but I like doing classes and homework better.

August & Taylor: Nerd!(point at her)

Caroline: I don't care if I am a nerd. I like being a nerd.

(Alex comes over with 3 books)

Alex: Hey guys you just missed a pop bottle explosion! But I guess it's too late to chat...

August: Why is it too late?

Alex: I guess you guys were too busy chatting, cause the bell just rang.

August & Taylor: The bell. (sigh)

Alex: See you later. (leaves with 3 books)

(Classroom scene)(Mrs. Tinkles, Caroline, Draco, Taylor, Alex, August, Jake, Luke)

Mrs. Tinkles: Hello I am Mrs. Tinkles. Everyone here today? Good. Yes, Caroline?

Caroline: What are we going to be learning today?

Mrs. Tinkles: We are going to be learning some science today. Please take out your textbooks and open up to page 264. We are learning about bugs. (sighs from class)

Taylor: This is boring I am leaving. (gets up to leave)

Caroline: You can't leave now, this is SCIENCE!

Mrs. Tinkles: She can leave, there is no homework. See you later!

Taylor: Come on, August let's go.

August: See you later.

Draco: Wait for me.

Jake & Luke: Us too.

Mrs. Tinkles: Well now that is all over shall we continue.

Alex: I am leaving, see you later Caroline.

(Lunch scene)(Caroline, Taylor, August, Alex, Draco)

Caroline: Why did you guys ditch class?

Taylor: Cause it was soooooooo boring.

August: And I hate bugs they are soooooooooo disgusting, blah.

Alex: I didn't want to be teased and it was kind of boring without everyone else.

Draco: Hey Alex, do you want to chat later?

(surprised)Alex: Uh, sure see you later. (Draco leaves)

Taylor: What was that all about?

August: It sounded like Draco just asked Alex out!

Taylor: Alex you are soooooooooooo lucky!

August: I wish I were you, Alex.

Taylor: Me too.

Caroline: I heard the teachers saying that we are going to get a new student.

Taylor & August: Is it a boy!? Is it a boy!?

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