Play - Magicals - Act 2

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Stage Directions - Bold

Talking - Normal

Character's Speaking - Name:

Narrator: At Voldemort & Shadow's lair...

Voldemort: Tie them up in bionic rope.

Scarlet: All done, my Lord.

Shadow: How should we get rid of them?

Alora: Hey Bree, guess what, they don't even know how to get rid of us.

Voldemort: That's it, I've had enough of them.

Bree: Alora! Why did you say that?

Alora: Uh, because it's true.

Shadow: Oh no, we know tons of ways on how to get rid of you, we just don't know which one to use.

Voldemort: I know which one to use.

Shadow: The most painful way?

Voldemort: Most definitely.

Shadow: Can we do it now? I'm literally dying.

Voldemort: It's time to get rid of them for once and for all!

(The bad guys made a circle around the good guys and the bad guys charged)

Courtney: Get ready. (everyone braced themselves)(bad guys hit force field)(good guys broke free of rope)

Courtney: Hurry and put them into these unbreakable handcuffs.

Bree: Let's go and put them in the bionic jail here.

Alora: I see the jail, it's over there. 

Courtney: Let's go and put them in the jail and take everything out of their pockets.

Bree: Hurry, before they wake up!

Narrator: Five minutes later...

Courtney: There all done.

Alora: Let's go, this place is creepy.

Bree: Are we all done here?

Courtney: Yes, let's go, so that they won't know that we did it right away.

Bree: Ya, now, hang on. (leaves the scene)

Narrator: On Monday at school Alora, Bree, & Courtney were talking to their friends about what had happened the day before.

Courtney: Well it looks like they are still in the jail.

Alora: How can you tell?

Courtney: Because Scarlet & Ginger are not at school.

Sophie: What happened yesterday?

Courtney: The bad guys came to kill us.

Lauren: Olivia told us that they had captured you.

Bree: They did, but I guess we can tell now that everybody knows, Courtney used her force field to block the bad guys & the rope split because there was too much force & the bad guys got knocked out. Then we put them into a bionic jail.

Lily: What is a bionic jail?

Courtney: A bionic jail is a jail that nobody can break out of.

Narrator: One hour later in the hall's aftermath...

Olivia: How many people in the world do you think are bionic?

Sophie: I don't know.

Gracie: Oh hey guys.

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