The Mystery Of The Giant Footprints

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"Kella! Paul!" Henry called, looking down at the newspaper he found.

"What is it, Henry?" Kella asked eagerly, panting from running over to Henry from across the beach.

"Look at this newspaper!" Henry said excitedly.

"Wow! There are giant footprints that Liam Bode wants people to find who they came from? Awesome!" Paul exclaimed, bursting with joy.

"And better yet, they come with a $500 prize!" Henry told his younger siblings.

"Come on!" Kella said, already half-way down the beach, tapping her foot impatiently, "We have to be the first ones to solve it!"

Her brothers raced after her, Henry clutching the newspaper, and they ran down the beach to figure out who made the giant footprints in the sand.

"Look, boys, here they are!" Kella said, running over and standing next to them.

Henry handed Paul the newspaper and ran over to Kella, and she stepped away so that he could analyze the whole thing. When he finished, he looked over to his brother and sister and grinned at them,

"Looks like we have a mystery to solve."

"Well then, what are you two waiting for? Let's go!" Kella ran off, leaving her companions behind.

The three best friends and detectives ran across the sand, observing the giant footprints as they went. They found a trail of about 17 footprints before they reached the end, where a petite girl was drawing in the sand.

They looked at each other before Henry slowly approached the girl, his siblings staying behind a ways away.

"Hello," The girl said in a quiet voice, scaring Henry, "Were you admiring my artwork?"

"You made the footprints in the sand?" Henry asked, confused.

"Yes. As a detective, you should always keep your eyes open, and your mind opened wider," The girl said wisely, finally looking up at him.

Henry's siblings came over to stand by him as the raven-haired girl stood up, brushing the sand off of her romper.

"I'm afraid that we never introduced ourselves properly. I'm Luna Roman, the girl who made the footprints in the sand," the artsy girl introduced herself, holding out her hand for someone to shake.

"Hello Luna, I'm Henry and this is my younger brother Paul and my younger sister Kella," Henry replied, shaking her outstretched hand, Paul and Kella following suit.

"So, I heard that there was a contest, you may say," Luna said, her electric green eyes sparkling.

"Wha- oh, yes," Henry said, getting back to the point, "Yes, you know about it I'm guessing?"

"Yes, I set this up with Liam Bode since my artwork was getting so much attention. If someone could find the source, then they would get a prize and be on the news to explain their journey. So congratulations for being the first to find me," the girl explained, going back to finishes a few strokes in the sand, completing yet another footprint.

"Ah, hello again Luna. Henry, Paul, and Kella Loweth, congratulations! I had a feeling you three would figure it out first," an abnormally tall man said strolling over to them through the sand.

"Hello Mr. Bode," Paul said politely, his ocean eyes glimmering with pride.

"Please, call me Liam. Now, who is ready to claim their prize?" Mr. Bode asked, the three siblings eagerly holding hands, the newspaper laying forgotten in Paul's pocket.

Liam chuckled at their behavior and waved them to follow him, Luna trotting not far behind.

They eventually reached the news place, and they headed inside and got an interview.

"Hello, this is Hollifer news and I'm Jonny Clarkson, your host for today," The interviewer started, "Today we have four people joining us. These ladies and gentlemen are the winners of solving the giant footprint mystery along with the creator of the footprints. Please introduce yourselves."

"Hello Jonny, my name is Henry Loweth and these are my siblings Paul and Kella. We figured out the mystery, and this is Luna Roman, the creator of the footprints," Henry introduced them excitedly.

"It's nice to meet you all! Now, would you please tell us how you solved this mystery?" Jonny asked, intrigued.

"Of course. So, we found the newspaper and immediately started to look at the footprints and we followed the trail of them. At the end of the trail, we saw Luna drawing in the sand, and decided to ask her about the footprints to see if she knew anything about them. She then explained that she had made them and that we won!" Henry recounted happily.

"That is amazing!" Jonny said, "So Luna, how did you come to made these footprints, and what was your inspiration?"

"Well, I had made this village, when my little brother brought his toy dinosaur over and destroyed it like Godzilla. So I thought about it and thought about making footprints in the sand at the beach because I love to draw in the sand. And I wanted to make them big to add a twist. So I got to work one morning and once I had made a few, they got popular and then Liam Bode and I made a deal and set up this contest!" Luna said passionately.

"Now that is absolutely incredible! Thank you for joining us today. I'm Jonny Clarkson, and we will be back after the quick commercial break." Jonny said, ending the interview.

After the interview, the four of us left Jonny and went over to Liam Bode, where he gave us the $500. He then left, and Luna went to leave, but before she left we stopped her.

"Hey, Luna," Paul called after the tiny girl, and she stopped, turned around, and walked back over to us.

"We wanted to split the money with you," Kella explained.

"No, I couldn't take it," Luna replied, waving away the money we were trying to hand to her.

"We don't need it all and your hard and intricate work deserves more than just being on the news," Paul reasoned.

"Oh alright, but only if you insist," She caved in, reluctantly taking the money.

"Friends?" Kella asked suddenly, holding out her hand in an offer to seal the deal.

The raven-haired girl's electric green eyes twinkled, and she grasped the hand of the older woman and shook it firmly.


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