44| The Dawn Before Dusk

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Within a couple of minutes, Link and Haruo had Ganondorf restrained

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Within a couple of minutes, Link and Haruo had Ganondorf restrained. His hands were bound behind his back, and he was forced down onto his knees in a corner of the shack. Ena and Arata were keeping a firm watch over the general's broadsword, apparently the only thing he had on him. Everyone else surrounded Ganondorf, glowering down at him as he looked back with an irritatedly begrudging expression.

   Link, more than anything, was pissed off. He couldn't have even a day to spend with his friends again before something else went wrong. It made him want to spit, preferably in Ganondorf's face. It would be a nice callback to old times, when Ganondorf had beaten Link to a pulp. He didn't care about having ire for this man. The Gerudo traders were one thing, the Royal Guards were another, Ganondorf was... something else.

   Before anybody could hope to speak, Ganondorf started up. "Whatever you want to ask me, get it over with," he said quickly, though there was hardly any contempt in his voice. "I know, I'm the villain in your eyes, you have no need to remind me of that fact."

   Link gritted his teeth, taking a sharp breath. "Just shut the hell up, we'll ask ya whenever we damn well please," he said before looking to Resa. He knew she would be the one to truly ask the questions. 

   Courage... I a-ask that you talk... I-I wish to not speak, she said. I trust y-you and Wisdom. Link pursed his lips grimly, fully understanding why she wouldn't want to say anything. Even with what he had said to her, she still felt lingering guilt about her past—a fact he was still reeling from in some ways—and that would especially apply to Ganondorf. But Link was more than happy to do the talking. He glanced at Fira, waiting until the fox noticed him before asking telepathically that Fira read Ganondorf's mind. If Link's senses wouldn't be enough, hopefully Fira could find out if Ganondorf would be telling the truth.

   Link then finally turned his stare back to Ganondorf. Already his senses were being thrown off by the general's aura. There was some expected anger and annoyance, but more than anything, there was a feeling of desperation of all things. This was certainly going to be a strange interrogation. "First off, are ya actually alone?" Link started. "'Cause I don't believe that for a damn second."

   "I didn't come with anybody besides a Corviknight," Ganondorf replied promptly. "If you're wondering about his whereabouts, I left him to his own devices in the highlands to hunt if I didn't return right away. If I need him, I can return to where we agreed to meet at a certain time of day and whistle for him. He along with every other Corvinight are taught to obey directions like what I just described."

   Such a straightforward answer was the last thing Link expected to hear. Ganondorf had to have rehearsed it, it was stated so plainly. There was nothing from Fira, so Link continued. "Does anyone know you're out here?"

   Ganondorf shook his head. "No, I made sure nobody saw me leave. Hopefully they hadn't, or else we will all be in trouble soon."

   Link's eyes narrowed. Now if that wasn't suspicious. "Now why are ya here?"

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