19| Shifting Tides

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Link took a deep breath, savoring the freshness of the outside air

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Link took a deep breath, savoring the freshness of the outside air. He tried not to think about the salty tinge it had. Dark waves sloshed against the rocky shore, mere feet from where he and the others walked. He cast a glance over his shoulder, just catching a glimpse of the Domain's main entrance before it went out of sight.

Resa had wasted no time in requesting that they be led to the temple, and in return, guards from the Zoran Royal Guard was summoned to be the Holders' escorts. These escorts were a male and female duo named Tyde and Elria as well as a duo of Carbink and a Wingull. With them leading the way, they were able to set out in less than an hour after sunrise the next morning.

The Riptide Temple was apparently located on the far north side of Zora's Domain, and that made for a moderately long trek. Link couldn't care less about the conversation Zelda and Resa made with their escorts, but he was tired of staring out at the ocean, so he idly listened in.

"Over the past couple hundred years, the Riptide Temple has slowly been sinking into the ocean," Tyde said.

Zelda glanced at the blue-scaled Zora. "How is it sinking? Is the sea level rising?" she questioned.

Tyde shook his head. "The ocean is just fine. It's just that the cliff that the temple was built on has started to collapse. After all, it was built on an overhang."

"Because of its sinking, the Tentacruel and Tentacool have tried to claim it in addition to the channel every year," Elria explained. "If we let them claim the temple, they might think they could invade the rest of Zora's Domain. That's why we have guards stationed by it. Otherwise, we would have let the temple stand in peace."

"Don't be surprised if we have to fend off some of those Water-type scoundrels," Tyde added.

"Like hell we will," Link scoffed.

Tyde's eyes widened as he looked at Link, incredulous. "One of those things almost drowned you yesterday. How could you defend them?"

"They're not just mindless things, they have thoughts and such too. It's like walkin' into an Ursaring's den and wonderin' why it bit ya!" Link spat. "Maybe you shouldn't've driven 'em outta the channel in the first place."

"Are you seriously questioning that?" Tyde asked, glaring at Link like he was a complete idiot.

Link's eyes narrowed as his brow furrowed. How could they not see where he was coming from? But then he realized what they were likely thinking, and he rolled his eyes. "Yeah, trade and travel and whatever. That justifies kickin' Pokémon outta their homes."

"At least you're not completely ignorant about how these things work," Tyde said. "And if you want to be strangled or melted by acid, be my guest."

What makes you think we'll be attacked? Resa asked.

Tyde looked at her, frowning. "The queen has those Gerudo troops standing guard there today," Tyde huffed. "I don't get how she trusts them. I wouldn't trust them with a Sunkern, let alone a Hyrule relic like a temple."

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