07| The Overseer and the Overseen

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The Master Sword

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The Master Sword. That was something Link had heard of. It was detailed in the same book of legends Iigo had taken. A blade forged in sacred flames and blessed by the goddess Hylia herself, it was said to emit a pure white sheen when used against beings who had been corrupted by evil.

Something such as that seemed like mere fairytale to Link, and yet Saria was claiming that it was here. Link didn't have time to answer more questions as Firenz and Rosina returned with words of summoning for the Holders.

Saria escorted Link and Zelda to the far edges of Kokiri Glade, to a place where the flora twisted and wrapped together to form a tall but thin archway.

"This is as far as I'm allowed," Saria said, stopping at the arch's threshold. "I'll await your return."

With the faeries to guide them, they proceeded through the archway. Thick walls of greenery soon gave way to a massive flower-rimmed clearing in which a single tree grew.

The tree was wider than all of the housing trees in Kokiri Glade combined, but it was just as tall and topped with bright cherry blossoms. It sort of reminded Link of a Trevanant in that the tree seemed to have a face, but it was much softer and not nearly as malevolent-looking, and it looked to have two "closed" eyes instead of one. Link had a feeling the apparent facial features on the tree weren't for decoration, because he could sense two foreign auras in the clearing.

A partially-raised stone platform rose up in front of the tree, seemingly the only man-made object in the clearing. In the platform's center sat a pedestal. Sunken into that pedestal, blade first, dark purple hilt gleaming, was a sword. Even though the clearing was doused in shade, the blade almost seemed to glow.

Something deep in Link's subconscious stirred when he laid eyes on the sword. An innate need, urging him to go to it. On the very edges of his mind, he swore he could hear something, almost like a whispering. It was achingly familiar yet completely unknown, and it only served his need to approach the pedestal.

An echoing creak sounded from the tree, tearing Link's attention away from the sword. The mouth-shaped protrusion on its trunk then began to move. Zelda reeled back in shock, Fira instinctively moving to guard her. Link and Luce shared a knowing glance. That was one aura's identity found, now who did the second belong to?

"We have been awaiting you, Holders," the tree said in the ancient, weathered voice of an old man.

And you especially, Holder of Courage.

Link froze. That second voice sounded like that of a woman with stony inflection, but it had come from inside Link's head.

"I have watched over Hyrule's forests since times untold. I am known as the Great Deku Tree," the tree spoke. "With the two of you standing here, this means that the cycle is beginning once again."

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