29| Fear and Resolve

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Knock knock

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Knock knock.

The sound instantly woke Link up, though sleep hazed his mind. He sat up, his feathery hair sticking out in snarled curls. Through the crack in his curtains, he could see the moon faintly shining through. He rubbed his eyes, confused about why he was awake. Usually his father woke him up in the mornings. He was about to lay back down when he heard the sound again.

Knock knock.

It became clear to him that it was somebody knocking on the front door to the home, and rather loudly as he could hear it from his room. New sounds followed this, like wood faintly scraping on the floor and footsteps.

Now curious, Link slipped out from under his blanket and crept to the door of his room. Even at seven years old, he knew exactly what floorboards were creaky enough to avoid. He'd eavesdropped on his parents many times before, so doing something like this wasn't anything new for him. As quietly as he could, he opened his door and peered out.

From his room he could see almost directly into the kitchen, where he knew his parents had been talking before they put him to bed. They were still there, though Link's father was now answering the door while his mother watched suspiciously.

Around the imposing frame of his father, Link could see several people standing outside when he opened the door.

"I'm sorry to bother you so late at night, sir, but are you Hugh Renier?" one of the people, a man, asked in a tone Link had never heard before. It was stern yet smooth, slightly rolling the "r's" in the words he spoke.

"Yes I am," Link's father answered, "is there something I can help you with?"

It was then that Link's mother glanced back towards his room. Link quickly ducked inside, clamping his hands to his mouth as his heart briefly raced. When nothing came of this, he looked back out into the kitchen.

"... We serve in Hyrule's Royal Guard," the voice continued speaking. Link was mildly upset that he didn't hear the first part. "We're here to speak with you and your wife Millia Renier."

Hearing her name, Link's mother stood and made her way to the door. When she saw who was there, she physically took a step back. "What do you want?" she said coldly.

"M-Millia, we shouldn't address members of the guard in that way," Link's father said to her in a worried voice. "They work to keep us safe, they wouldn't dare hurt us."

A different voice spoke up, this one female. "We understand your concern, ma'am. But like your husband said, we won't hurt you, nor are we looking to. We would just like to speak with you two about a couple of things."

"Make it quick and get out of here. I don't want any desert scum anywhere near my house," Link's mother spat. Link's muscles went rigid as a shiver ran down his spine. He now knew who she was talking about.

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