Live in the Present (Chapter 24) 5K!!!

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Wow really guys!?! Already to 5k! Aww thanks for that!! I love you guys!!! I hope you love this update!!



Leah's P.O.V~

It was already late at night. My Gran was in her room already sleeping while I was in my moms old room unpacking. Even though its small, it felt like home. Every time I came here when I was a kid my mom and I would go up in the mountains and play in the snow. That's why it took four hours to get here, my Gran lives close to the mountains where the snow was.

I unpacked all my clothes, then placed my new laptop on the nightstand by the bed. When I was almost done with the first bag, the black box my mom gave me was at the bottom of the bag. I opened it up and admired it again. It is beautiful but would Cole ever marry me? I know we're mates but would that be a life I'm willing to except? I barely can cope with all this but I'm trying at least. I suppose I can try for Cole, for us.

I placed the ring by my laptop on the nightstand. After all that packing I went to bed snuggling in the warmth.


"Get up!" A loud horn went off by my ear. I shot up from bed and fell down on the ground on my àss. "Rise and shine sleepy butt." My Gran shouted from the other side of the room, the horn in her hands.

"Gran what heck, that hurts you know?" I got up and rubbed my ear, a ringing sound was echoing.

"I know and its why I did it, you're welcome!" She left the room and closed the door. Welcome? That wasn't a kind thing to do. Oh well I can't argue with a sixty-year old woman. She'll win anyways.

I got up and put on something warm for today since its really cold up here. After getting dressed, I checked my phone to see I got a message from Cole last night.

Cole Pendery: I'm sorry for putting you through all this Leah. I should have waited to tell you this all but I knew you would have found out sooner or later. Come back when you know you're ready, I'll be waiting for you baby. I love you, bye.

I wanted to cry, I wanted to reply and tell him I love him too, but I couldn't. My heart ached without him, my body was cold without his warmth, my furture was black without his light. I needed him just as much as he needs me. I need to be with him, I need him to fill in the whole in my heart when he's gone.

"Its a boy isn't?" My Gran questioned by the doorway. I looked up and faced her, she was sad but I didn't know why. I nodded my head yes. "Do you love him?"

I already knew the answer to that. With all the feelings I have towards Cole, how could I not love him? "I do and I'm scared I might get hurt if I love and trust him." I confessed.

"Why are you scared? If he makes a mistake dear, he'll learn from them. Everyone makes mistakes and I'm guessing he made one which is why you're here with me now."

"That's part of the reason Gran, but I left because it was a lot. If I stayed with him I would have cracked under all the stress. I do love him Gran, but I'm scared of my future with him. He's my everything right now, all the feelings I have for him is everything keeping me here today. My future remains a mystery to me but I keep thinking of it when I'm with him. I want to know what my future is with him." By the end of my confession I was in tears. My gran came and sat me on the bed with her by my side rubbing my back.

"I know what you're feeling Leah. I've felt and worried all those things with your Grandpa. I still miss him but I know life goes on and I have to go on without him, even if it hurts me a lot. You just need to take risks, you're still young dear. Don't think about your future with him right now, live in the present don't worry about the future." I cried into her shoulder while I hugged her.

She was right, everything she said was right. I shouldn't be thinking of my future because its coming. I need to think of the present, with whats happening now. My future can wait, I need to stop letting things scare me so easily. I need Cole and I want Cole.

I'm ready to go back to him.

"Go." She spoke. I looked up at her confused. She sighed. "Go to him, he needs you and you need him, you both need each other. Go to him and never let him go no matter what." I nodded my head and got up.

"I'll visit you again soon Gran." I went to grab my bags.

"You better, if you don't then I'll go get you." She got up from the bed and left me in my moms room. I packed my things quickly, trying to get to Cole as fast as I could. "Oh and make sure I meet him, I need to interrogate him first." My Gran yelled from down the hall. I smiled and kept packing.

I got my phone from the bed and dialed Coles number. On the third rang he picked up.

"Hello?" He sounded like he hasn't slept in a while.

"Cole?" I breathed out.

"Leah baby is that you? Oh my gosh you have no idea how much I miss hearing your voice."

"Its me Cole. I wanna come home."

"Where are you? I'll come get you baby please just tell me where you are."

"I'm at my Gran's house, I'll be home in four hours since its that far away. I miss you, I'll see you soon."

"Okay, I miss you too. Please hurry, you have no idea how crazy I went when I found out you left."

"What did you do?" I asked.

"You'll see when you come home, to our house." I smiled big when he said our house.

"Make sure its warm when I come, its freezing here. Bye, love you."

"I will. Bye love you too." I hung up and finished my packing. Even though it took a while to pack everything, I still tried to rush it.

After I gathered my bags, I went outside to the car and put the things in there. I walked back to my Gran and gave her a hug that lasted five minutes.

"I'll miss you Gran."

"I'll miss you too dear." After we said our goodbyes, I got in the car and drove off. In the mirror I could see my Gran waving goodbye. I imagined her and my Grandpa waving to me. I miss him a lot, and so does my Gran.

I let go a deep breath. I'm ready to go home, to our home with Cole.


Wow two updates in one day!!! I'm on a role!! I hope you liked this update!! Its for you guys since you guys are amazing!!




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