Chapter 4: Aftermath

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"Wait Leah, what are you talking about?" Gabe yells after me.

Currently, I'm running the mile in p.e, but David and Gabe wouldn't leave me alone. They want to know why, but right now all I want to be is alone. I could still feel this weird feeling in my chest, and being bothered by them is the last thing I need. 

"Answer the question Leah; why do you want to end things between you and Cole?" David demands me.

I've had enough of this. I'm barely on my 3rd lap and I have one more to go with little time left. My grade won't suffer because of them.

"Leave me alone okay! I don't need you to bug me with questions I don't need to answer, especially to you guys." My back was still facing them. I let out a loud sigh and started running faster. As I kept going, I couldn't hear there footsteps behind me anymore except a mumbled curse underneath their breaths.

I wonder how Cole will take all this in. Probably not well, but I'm not gonna be forced into a relationship if my friend won't talk to me. Matt, was the only one there for me when I needed him, and now he's gone. How does he expect me not to get mad at that?

"One more lap Leah, you're almost done!" Mrs. Hernandez made the last mark on my hand for the mile, signaling I'm almost done. I nod in response and begin to run again while taking a quick glance around me. A group of girls in a huddle next to the basketball court all look at me with scowls. They were jealous. Capturing the attention of Cole almost never happens, and it doesn't count if he just uses them for a night. They want what I don't. At least one good thing will come to an end. The stares will stop, but I don't think the rumors will. I finish up my last lap out of breath and head over to the water fountain. 

After a while of all the students playing their own games, I hear the teachers blow their whistles for all the kids to go to the lockers. I change back quickly even though I have enough time, dusting my clothes off because of the old lockers. This school needs an upgrade. It was a little cold outside with clouds covering the sun. The sky always looks so peaceful this time of year, it was my favorite.

My sweater kept me warm enough that I didn't need my extra coat. It would be hot if I had that on. I begin to walk to my next period which was History with Will and Dana. I for sure wasn't looking forward to that. Gabe and David already told the others about everything so they might not leave me alone either. 

I swiftly glance behind me to see Gabe typing on his phone while David scratches the back of his head nervously. They told Cole. The bell rings and the once empty halls start to quickly fill with other students rushing out of their class to meet up with friends.

I prolong walking into class by taking another route, pleading for the time to go by slowly for once. In class, I sit by the windows all the way to left around other occupied desks. I peer around the room and see other kids seating themselves or bunched into a little group, but then two people catch my eye all the way in the back. They're in the same row of desks as me.

They look at me with the same nervous face's. I turn away from them, facing the front of the class seeing the teacher wright stuff on the board. Today we're learning about the Three Branches of Government. Easy, I thought, I could do this at the last minute since I already know the topic beforehand. Being a nerd comes in handy when I wanna slack off a little, but not when everyone wants to copy off of me and don't even know my name.

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