Please Read!!....Its Gonna Be Good

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Hello my lovelies!!! So this DOES NOT, I repeat, DOES NOT count as a chapter, so the next one will be lucky number 13. So I was just sitting on my bed thinking about this book and what the next chapter should be until I thought "why not get to know my lovely readers?" So this is what I'm doing. I'll ask you guys questions and you guys will highlight it and answer, seem easy?

Okay let's begin!

1. Favorite color?

2. Favorite animal?

3. Do you like or love this book? (Be honest please)

4. How did you find this book?

5. What's your favorite part from this book?

6. Do you hate it when I give you guys cliff hangers? (Don't worry I do too)

7. Are you following me? (If not you know what to do)

8. Who's your favorite member from IM5?

9. Why do you like the guy from IM5?

10. Did you enjoy the chapter before this?

11. How did you find IM5?

15. What kind of books do you usually read? (Like different from this one)

16. When did you join Wattpad? (I did last summer 2014 baby!)

17. What state do you live in? (I live in Colton, California)

18. Should I even put a grown up part in this book?

19. How old are you guys? (Comment ages)

20. Do you love my account?

Okay well there it is!!! Comment if you want me to do another one of these!!! I will for sure if you comment. I also will be looking at the responses I get from you guys. (Even if its late)


. you should calm one of these, I always put them here for you guys.








Okay well I will be updating tomorrow!!! Bye my lovelies!!! Ily!

You're Mine, No One Else's (IM5 fanfic - Cole Pendery)Where stories live. Discover now