Just in Time (Chapter 17)

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Leah's P.O.V~

You know how they say before you die, your life flashes before your eyes? Well that happened to me and the only thing I saw was me being happy with Cole. Its odd because I'm not going to die, I'm going to be turned into the one thing I never ever thought I'd be.

A werewolf.

"Come one baby doll, give me some reaction. You're no fun." James fake pouted right in front of me. He was standing just a few feet away, torturing me with fear whenever he moves. I know I'm not ready to change, but its the only choice I have right now. I mean who knows, I'll be able to spend the rest of my life with Cole and actually run his pack without being weak.

"And your an àsshole." I muttered. Another warm tear escaped my eye. I won't be the same if this happens to me. My family will have to bare the feeling of me leaving, I know I can't see them without wanting to hurt them because of the transformation I'll be going through. My family will have to forget about me.

"Now, now lets not use such mean words." James inched closer and closer to me until he was standing right in front of me. My chest was moving up and down at a rapid pace because of the now gone distance between us. I flinched away when his hand went to my right cheek, caressing it.

"Don't touch me." I weakly said. He sighed in my face and then starred at me. Catching me off guard, he gripped my arm and threw me to the bed that was a couple feet away. I gasped and landed on my back, my feet dangling on the side. My body shook with fear.

"I would like it, if you don't tell me what to do Leah." His eyes flashed that same murderous red from earlier making fear run through my body even more. Well at least he used my actual name. Not the time Leah. "Look at you, you're weak. How could Cole want someone like you? You can't even protect yourself from me or my brothers." He spat at me. Even though what he said was half true, I didn't care.

"Cole doesn't care if I change or if I'm too weak to help him run the pack, he loves me for me and he even said it. He loves me." I muttered the last part more to myself.

James scoffed and shook his head at me. "You don't know anything about Cole, baby doll." His eyes changed back to green. "He doesn't want a mate for a human, a long time ago he said that to me, to my brothers. Humans are weak and do you think he would want a weak Luna help him run the pack? No he doesn't want that, so it's why I'm doing him a favor-" I cut him off.

"A favor? How is turning me into a monster a favor to Cole? He doesn't want that for me James!" I spat out at him.

"You don't know what he wants Leah! You don't know anything about him! I bet he didn't even tell you about his past, he only tells you what he wants to tell you." James' eyes flashed red again, he clentched and unclenched his fist trying to calm down.

"W-what about h-his past?" I gulped loudly. What was Cole like a long time ago?

"He use to hang around with us, he was a pack member but then he left because his father needed to pass down the Alpha title to him. Before he left, all the things him and my brothers did together was very interesting. Cole was the real monster before he changed and left. Every night he'd come here to our house sometimes covered in blood or bring home a dead body, he was stronger and more fearful before his dad came and took him away. You didn't know about this because he doesn't like what he did, but if you would've seen him back then, you'd see who the real monster was." I looked at James' face to see if he was lying or making it up, but I saw nothing. This is how he was? A use to be monster?

"You're lying." I shook my head furiously. Cole wouldn't kill and harm so many people, he isn't like that. But I know nothing about his past so I can't say that.

"You know its the truth, you're just denying it, you're denying his real past, the real Cole Pendery." I felt a pang in my heart. A pang filled with hurt. "Now let's stop all the chit chat and do what we were suppose to do, turn you."

If what James said is true about Cole, then he really doesn't want a weak human as a mate to help him run his pack. He doesn't want me to be human, which means everything he said earlier about not changing me was a lie. When he confessed his 'love' for me, was that true or a lie? If he wants a werewolf mate, then he's gonna get one.

"Just do it." I spoke without thinking of my words. Without thinking of the consequences of what will happen later on. But at this point nothing mattered to me anymore, Cole lied to me, his love was a lie.

"Its gonna hurt baby doll, but I'm gonna be enjoying it." Although what he said effected me, I ignored it. The ache in my heart took over most of the feelings in my body.

James' eyes turned red and his teeth started to grow longer. Bones snapping and his body twisting disgusted me, he was turning into a werewolf. I know its gonna be painful for my transformation but the ache still took over more pain. I knew why I felt this and I didn't want the feeling to go away no matter what happened to me. I fell in love with Cole and I can't get out of it, not even if I tried everything. James' body started to cover with fur, his clothing long gone. A few seconds later, a big black werewolf was standing right in front of me, his wolf was bigger than Coles.

His teeth snapped at me, showing me his sharp, white teeth that will soon turn me into a monster. I closed my eyes and waited for him to do what he had to. A loud growl was heard, but it wasn't heard from in front of me, it sounded like it came from behind me. My eyes opened to see James standing there in front of me but he wasn't looking at me, he was looking and growling lowly at someone behind me.

I turned my head to see the one person that I never thought I would see the same ever again. The person who was in werewolf form growling at James. My heart jumped in happiness but then stopped when I remembered that he doesn't love me as much as I love him.



Hello my lovelies!! Its me and I hope you like the chapter!!!






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I'll be updating later on so be excited!!! Until later, gookbye my lovelies!!!

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