Things Change Fast (Chapter 20) Short Update

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Hello my lovelies!!! Its almost Christmas!!!



Leah's P.O.V~

I awoke from the nightmare, my body sweaty and shaky. It was just a dream, I'm still human. Instead of waking up in Coles bed, I woke up in an unfamiliar bed. What happened after James took me inside? Did I knock out or? Oh he better not have knocked me out.

I got up and sat on the bed in a sitting position. Why did I dream of that? Of getting turned. I could lie to myself and say that this dream is nothing, but I knew the truth and that it was something. Am I really gonna be bitten? Or will I be human? In the dream I'm being turned and there wasn't a chance for me to be human. I didn't escape or anything. My mind tried to replay the entire thing, from beginning to end. I remembered Cole trying to save me but then James turning me and Cole saying four words that made my heart race in a good way. I slightly smiled at the memory.

If he said he loves me in my dream, he should also love me in reality right? I don't know the answer to that, but I hope I'll find out soon. Looking around the room, the style of it looked elegant a fancy. I almost felt bad to be lying in this bed, everything is so expensive. The soft white sheets wrapped around my body, cooling me down. The same question from earlier came in mind; 'Am I'll really gonna be bitten?' I knew I didn't want to change but I am too weak to defend myself. Weak. I hate the word because I don't like people thinking that just because I'm weak they could take advantage of me.

I pulled my legs to my chest and hugged them. What am I gonna do? I need to defend myself if I'm gonna be running the pack with Cole. I sighed and looked around once more. How did my life become so frustrating?

Everything changed in my life. I haven't even seen my parents in a long time, its not like they care about me anyways. They're always busy with work that sometimes I feel invisible to them. Did they even want me? It wasn't always like this though, we used to spend time with each other all the time. I don't know how everything changed so fast with my family.

Never once in my life did I expect it to change so fast though. First my family and now this. I never even believed in those stories about werewolves, or knew they actually existed. And whiches. That's new and I most definitely didn't expect that to happen. They're the reason why werewolves exist in the first place.

How will everything end?


Sorry for the small chapter but hey its better than nothing. How's your Christmas going? I already opened my presents!!! I got clothes but its what I was expecting. I wanted clothes anyways.





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Until tomorrow, goodbye my lovelies!!!!!

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