Chapter 3: Mistakes Are Made

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I was currently in P.E, with David and Gabe. I kept thinking about how my schedule ended up with the two boys from Cole's group in each of my classes. It was weird, but I never did question Cole about it. Or was this because he was being over protective? What ever it is, I'm wanna try not to get in the middle of it, but knowing that I'm dating Cole I might be dragged into it.

I look down at the P.E outfit all of us had to wear. They were blue long shorts and a grey shirt that had our high school logo on it. It was ugly and the shorts were too long that they rode up your thighs when you walked. Yeah, that uncomfortable.

I walk out of the girls locker room and see David and Gabe chatting away. It looks like they were having a serious conversation, but it abruptly stops as I come into view. I freeze a little bit as they decide to walk towards me. Are they actually gonna come talk to me? All of a sudden. Is it because I'm dating Cole? They approach me and say hello. I greet them back awkwardly and then there began the uneasy silence. It's always hard to breathe under this kind of intensity.

David looks towards me. "So you're dating Cole now." He says, stating the obvious. I nod my head. Duh. "How's that going?" He finishes asking. I ponder about it for a while. How is it going? I mean we've only been dating for a day and I couldn't even think of how it was going. Was it good? Was it bad? I didn't know how it is at this moment. I couldn't even tell. I look at David for a moment.

"Uh, well, it's going fine, I mean we've barely been going out so I wouldn't know the answer to that question yet." His cheeks blush from embarssment. I've never seen any of them act like this before. It's new. Gabe nudges Davids' side as if to mentally saying 'nice one nerd.'

"Right, well what do you think of him?"

I unknowingly bite my bottom lip, thinking how to answer that. There are so many things, bad things, that could describe him perfectly. There just isn't a positive answer for that one that I know of. He's known as the schools very own troublemaker. Aka, bad boy so-to-speak. So, what is there to really say? He basically says we're dating and chases off my friend Matt. Now he isn't even talking to me. Is there anything positive happening right now or did all the bad decide to come out? My head suddenly starts to feel like it's spinning.

"Well-uh-he's, you know, Cole." It's hard trying to find something to say. What else was I suppose to say? He stole me, for one, and declares we're dating, not exactly the best first impression. David smirks at me in such a way that it looks like he knows something I don't.

"Well just hang in there, you might be intrigued." They both smirk at me while I hold a confused look. What did they know that I didn't? Is Cole planning to kill me or something because that's not exactly a surprise. I manage to calm my overpowered nerves long enough to reply after being silent for a few seconds.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I could feel my eyebrows knit in confusion as I peer up at them. I had to know, but my mind kept telling me to keep it as it is.

"Oh nothing." He looked at Gabe and gave him a knowing look. He nodded and David turned to me again. "Catch you later!" They both waved off and walked away. I stood there for a moment. Seriously, what just happened? I looked around me and saw everyone waiting for the gym teachers to come out and start class. I kept looking, until I saw a familiar face.

Matthew. I walk over to him and when he catches a glimpse of me, his expression morphs into fear. Was he afraid of me? His friend? Why? I wasn't the one who scared him. Maybe he was remembering what Cole had said. Oh he's gonna be hearing this from me for-sure, unless I faint. "Hey Matt, I haven't seen you around." I looked at his face. He frantically looks around, probably for Cole.

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