"No problem. Things are getting pretty serious with her, huh?" Brett asked, making Luke look at me cautiously. He obviously wasn't expecting that.

"Yeah, I really like her." He said, giving me half-smile as I bite my lip to prevent myself from smiling.

"You deserve it. I'm glad to help if I can. I'll talk to you later."

"Thanks." Luke smiled into the phone. "Talk to you later."

I would be lying if I said my heart wasn't melting, but I was trying to keep my cool in front of him. Once he hung up the phone, he slipped it back into his pocket and shot me an 'I told you so' look.

"I told you he likes you." He smirked. He picked his fork back up and started eating again, me doing the same.

It didn't feel like it, but I had actually started eating semi-normally again these last few weeks. Luke made sure I wasn't skipping any meals and always sat with me until I was finished. No one ever cared enough to do that, not even my parents. They just screamed at me and told me to get better without actually giving me the support I now knew I needed.

It was hard to think back to the times we were at each other's throats. Things we so different now, and it only took a few weeks for it to change. It was happening fast, but we were stuck in the spiral. I was falling for him, but I never let myself think too much into that fact. I didn't really have the time to stop and think about how serious this was really getting.

After dinner, we went back to the dorms and studied for a little while longer. I changed into something I could sleep in and grabbed my phone charger, following Luke back to his room. It became a usual thing to switch off which room we slept in, but we hadn't gone to bed alone since the night after we officially came out to everyone. It was the perfect setup, our rooms being right next to each other.

We resubmitted to get the same rooms in the spring a couple days prior, and we already got notice that we had them again. It was lined up flawlessly for next semester. We had all our classes picked out and found times that we both had free blocks to get lunch. I couldn't get Tuesdays off like this time, but I only had one class in the morning.

Things felt like they had finally come together for me, and it was all thanks to Luke. I didn't want to go back to being a lonely drifter anymore after getting a taste of this. We filled a void for each other that we had both been living with for years, and even though we spent the first two months hating one another, it didn't feel like it. I had been falling for him since the first night we kissed, and he claimed that he wanted me the second he saw me. Even though he definitely didn't show it.

I woke up to the sound of his alarm going off. He groaned and rolled over to snooze it, turning back to me after and wrapping his arms around my stomach again. He repeated that a couple of times before I knew we had to get up. We both had 8 am classes and it was definitely getting late.

"Luke. We gotta get up." I told him quietly, yawning as I did. He just held onto me tighter.

"Five more minutes." He mumbled into the back of my neck. I reached behind him and grabbed his phone off the nightstand, my eyes going wide when I saw that it was 7:35.

"We're going to be late, Luke." I said, much more awake this time. I jumped up and climbed over him, quickly pulling on the pants that he had thrown on the floor last night. I tried to find my shirt, but when it wasn't anywhere in plain sight I went into his dresser and grabbed one of his.

"Luke, get up!" I shouted, shaking his shoulder. He finally rolled out of bed, nearly falling to the floor in the process. He glared at me groggily, looking adorable like he usual did in the morning. His hair was all over the place and he only had his boxers on.

Toxic -  Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now