No One POV

Shiro is horrified.

His nephew's friend has been kidnapped by the demon and the thought about returning to the place horrified him.

"H-How long does your friend been missing...?" He asked quietly.

"A day or two," Shouto replied.

"You want to go there?"


"S-Shouto-kun!" He placed his hands on the teen's shoulders and looked at him with worry yet scared. "Are you going there all by yourself?"

"I am."

"You can't!" He denied. "You have no idea how strong that demon was and you are no match against her! She'll kill you!"

"I will take my chance," Shouto looked determined but both of them knew they could feel him uneasy.


"Uncle Shiro," the teen interupted him. "You don't have to run away anymore." Shiro stiffened. "What...?" He croaked.

'Did he-?'

"You don't have to run away," Shouto repeated. "I know what it felt like to be scared."

Shiro just stared.

"I run away from the past because I couldn't accepted for who I am," he continued. "I run away because if I am strong enough then I will be able to do it without using it."

His eyes softened when he remember the bright smile of the certain grenette.

"But then Midoriya save me and made me realizes that it's my own," he clenched one of his hands. "Because of him, I am able accepted for who I am and I am not alone." He looked at his uncle. "I am able to visit someone who I wanted to protect and looked forward for new beginning."

Shiro widened his eyes and hitched his breath once more. All of a sudden, a memory of him and Jack laughing together in rare moment.

The finals words of his best friend echoed inside his mind:

'Please live... and be free.'

Those words strike him so hard that his eyes are pooling with tears and his heart squeeze painfully.

How could he just a fool? How could he forgotten about those words? His best friend is naive, reckless, always thought of others before him and wanted to be a hero more than ever.

How could he keep forgotten about the others are attempting to save him?


"G-Guys?" Shiro looked shocked at the kids standing in front of him. Even the demon startled at how determined and brave they are showing.

Their hands are shaking slightly yet they facing in front of their so called mother.

"Go," a girl glanced over her shoulder.


"You need to go," another girl with short tomboyish hair said. "You need to get out of here!"

"Wait!" Shiro looked so shocked. "I can't just leave you guys! It's my fault that all of yo-"

"And we're the one that wanting to come along," the boy cut him off. "Yes, we do wanted to get out and come home."

"And we can't just leave you behind when you're the one who always looked forward," added another boy.

"You protecting us all the time," a little girl said. "Now it's our turn to protect you."

"Even if we're about to die," the first boy looked at him with grin. "At least we leave our marks!"

"What about your home?!" Shiro keep on pleading, cannot endure the guilt inside of him. "I-"

"Don't worry about it," a girl looked teary but smiling as if she accepted this fate. "T-They will understand."



Shiro sobbed, shame and guilt when he remember the demon killed them. Yet they died all because they want him to survive and escaped.

"They shouldn't save me..." he cries. "... Why are they so determined to save me...?"

Crying once more, he let his nephew hugged him for comfort. Unknown to them, they have company.

A group of ghostly figures floating behind him, smiling softly at the man and giving him a group hug.

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