Taylor made his way down the stairs just like his mama told him too scarlet watching him go down them not really trusting him on his own but she was watching him like a hawk as soon as he got to the bottom he looked up *i did it mama* scarlet gave him a proud smile good job bubs with that taylor ran in to the lounge jumping on his bean bag he continued to watch his movie cars happily suckling away on his binky normally scarlet wouldn't let him have it other then at nap time or bedtime but with taylor being happy today an seems to need his binky with him she was not about to take it off him a happy taylor meant an easy day the last thing she wants is a fussy taylor on her hands scarlet was dressed pretty quickly along with tasha an ally they made there way back downstairs waiting for the other two to hurry up scarlet looked in on taylor seeing he was content she placed a kiss on his head an sat down talking to the girls lauren ran down the stairs quickly seeing taylor an not seeing gabby she smiled taylor turned around seeing lauren he smiled auntie lolo get milky-shake yayay lauren smiled an fist bumped the air gabby come down 2 minuets after seeing lauren an taylor watching cars together she pouted this caused all the girls to laugh an little taylor to chuckle taylor got up an walked over to his pouting aunt gabby crouched down to his level *alright monkey you both beat me fair ans square* taylor patted her shoulder sympathetically *its cos we awesome duhh* this caused gabby to laugh it sure does munchkin still pouting that she lost taylor looked at scarlet *mummy aunt gabby get milky-shake* scarlet smiled hmm i dunno baby rules are rules it was taylors turn to pout *hmm but what if i haves apple slices with my lunch* scarlet was shocked at her babys bold words normally she would have to fight with taylor to get him to eat fruit the room fell silent everyone was shocked even gabby was *you would eat fruit for your aunt gabby so she can have a milkshake with you an lauren* taylor sighed ess mama only fairs scarlet couldnt be anymore prouder then she was right now alright monkey then yes taylor fist bumped the air an hugged his aunt gabby *wow you would eat them for me* taylor smiled an nodded esss after a cuddle with gabby he ran to his mama *ank chuuu mummy wove chuuu noo wan see auntie sad* scarlet smiled at how cute an thoughtful her little one was mama loves you too now come on it lunch time. 

They set off in to the car to leonas dinner as soon as the car pulled up in to the car park Taylor was making it known just how hungry he was *mama mama hungwy hungwy* scarlet chuckled so you keep telling me my little prince scarlet got him out the car an made sure he held her hand across the carpark alright baby lets get you some food in that tummy of yours the doorbell above the door chimed leona looked up *well if it isn't my little monkey taylor* scarlet chuckled hi Leona yes taylor is extremely hungry its all he has told us on the drive over here this caused leona to chuckle well lets not keep the little prince waiting, they made there way over to there normal booth once they was sat down leona took there drink orders an food orders handing it to the kitchen staff leona sat down with them, so whats new then *well I went back to work yesterday taylor come an visited me at lunch with the girls then when I got home Lauren an taylor had a water fight at Bathtime* this caused Lauren to turn bright red an taylor to giggle leona smirked did you really expect anything else you know what these two are like when left alone together lauren smirked at scarlet see I told you its me an taylor an to be fair your son started it scar this caused scarlet to roll her eyes well anyway at least my floor was dry after an you should no better lauren, so your back at work then how did that go scarlet sighed to be honest it was nice to be back but I missed this little one so much, leona smiled I get that sweetheart but will do you some good to be working again, how did the packing go lauren laughed it could of gone better but once this monkey was down for a nap we got it sorted quickly taylor pointed to himself *me monkey esss monkey* leona smiled at least he admits it laur all of them laughed food was brought over an so was there milkshakes leona stayed with them enjoying catching up with them giving herself a well deserved brake.

I see the football team has training tonight is this little one going leona gestured towards taylor scarlet sighed I don't know he has been in headspace for a few days now I'm not sure if he will go or not they know he is a little obviously as he is not the only little one on the team I haven't asked him, taylor caught the end of the conversation *ootball mama ootball* scarlet smiled brushing some hair out of his face yeah baby training tonight do you want to go? Taylor tilted his head mmm Kay me go mama this caught scarlet by surprise that means baby if you go then once you are home its bath time an bed as it will be late by the time you are home but when you go you need to be big taylor okay? Taylor pouted hmm otay a little pout on his face something else was bothering him tay baby whats wrong mama an lolo stay with me? Lauren cooed of course I will stay an watch you bubs we both will won't we starlet smiled yeah of course we will baby ally tasha an gabby smiled that gives us chance to transfer some of the boxes etc to the new place scarlet smiled well its sorted then. Leona looked at taylor an smiled well I will be there too bud not seen you play in a long time this caused taylor to smile wide yayaya nana leona comes yayayay scarlet looked a little confused at the name leona smiled i have always been like a grandmother to him so he must of picked up on it from that scarlet smiled well welcome back to the family haha, leona smiled thanks dear taylor had almost finished his lunch when scarlet pointed to his apple slices taylor huffed mmm tay not really happy he hopped his mama forgot but nope not the case he sat there an ate them as quickly as he could so he could have his milkshake good job nugget now you can have you milkshake taylor did not need to be told twice happily swinging his legs back an forth drinking his milkshake lauren smiled over at him tay sweetheart not so fast you will get brain never mind just as lauren was about to finish that sentence taylor grabbed his head *ouchies head ouchies* lauren rolled her eyes i told you bubs after taylors head stopped having brain freeze he stuck his tongue out at lauren lunch was coming to an end taylor growing tired he curled up on scarlets lap looks like i have a sleepy baby huh taylor looked at scarlet an nodded normally he would not agree but he is too tired to care alright lets get you home an down for a nap before football training later after saying there goodbyes to leona an arranging to meet later to watch taylor they set off home to put taylor down for a nap. 


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