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|| WEEK 8, DAY 56

Jackson and Jimin drove to the Kim's household with Taehyung's help of giving them the address. Jimin didn't end up telling his parents, but he ends up with a broken door that Jackson have to fully fix.

"Hey, we are here." Jackson said as he parked his car in front of the very expensive house.

"I don't know if I'm ready, Jackson." Jimin admitted, feeling his hands shaking as nervousness is hitting him. He clutched at the envelope that contains the baby's ultrasound and an early DNA test.

"Hey, I'm going to be with you unless I'm stuffing myself with food with Mr. Kim's greatest food." Jackson jokingly said, making Jimin chuckle. He did admit that his whole family went to his expensive restaurant before and the food was to die for. Jimin remembered that he gain like 20 lbs from it.

"It's true about his food... But what if Suga still doesn't accept this baby?"

"If he doesn't accept, then I'll help you, even Mark will teach you." Jimin smiled at the sentence.

"Okay... Thank you, Jackson." He said.

They both got out of the car and went to the expensive front door. Jimin being very anxious, just stared at the front. Jackson rubbed his shoulder for comfort, and he knocked for him.

After a couple of minutes, the door opened, revealing the great Kim Seokjin in a pink apron with his famous flashing smile.

"Oh, hello. I wasn't expecting any guests. Who are you?" While Jackson is having his moment by just freezing, Jimin takes over.

"Hi, my name is Park Jimin, and this my adopted brother, Wang Jackson. I'm Yoongi's friend, and I just want to see him since I haven't seen him for so long. Is he here by any chance?"

"Oh, he didn't mention other friends except for Taehyung. Do you know Taehyung?" Seokjin asked.

"Yes, I know him. He couldn't come with me since he's busy."

"Oh, okay, then. Come on in then, and you're just in time. Yoongi came home not just too long ago with a box, but I didn't question it, which I should." Both Jimin and Jackson went inside, seeing all the rich people things. "Yoongi's room is upstairs to the right. Would any of you like to eat before going up?"

"Um, me." Jackson raised his hand and went to the kitchen. Both males chuckled.

"Um, I just need to see Yoongi. It won't take long." Jin nodded and went to the kitchen.

Jimin took a deep breath before going up the marbled stairs. He clutched onto a large envelope with his shaky hands. His anxiety pushed him to the roof.

He stopped in front of Yoongi's door. He knocked once, and the door opened automatically. He pushed and made himself go in.

His room was like any other teenage boy would have, but except for a fucking crib next to his bed. A fucking changing table, and a pile of baby clothes stacked on the black covers.


Jimin jumped at the voice and slowly turned around, seeing a flustered cute Yoongi in his pajamas and damped hair.


"What in the fuck you doing here?! You weren't supposed to see this!" Yoongi's voice boomed, and he harshly grabbed Jimin's arm.

"Ah, Yoongi, wait! What is this?!" Jimin pulled back roughly, making him land on the bed. The pile of clothes tipped over and landed on Jimin's lap.

Yoongi sighed and ruffled his hair, "For the baby... I feel terrible after leaving you like that. I know it's not your fault, it's mine. I want to take responsibility, please? I want be with you with every appointment as well."

Jimin bit his lip, almost tasting the metallic flavor on his tongue. He has to take Yoongi's offer since he is already getting prepared for the baby even though he's a few weeks in.

"Okay, Yoongi... But you don't have to come with me with every appointment, you probably will be busy." Jimin said.

"I don't care. I'll be with you no matter what. What is that?" Yoongi asked, pointing out the large envelope in Jimin's hands.

"Oh, they're ultrasound pictures. Want to see them?" Yoongi nodded and sat next to Jimin. He took the pictures out and handed it to the older. Yoongi smiled and ket his finger traced around the little bug printed on the piece of paper.

"They're so small..." Yoongi muttered.

"Yeah... Muffin is only eight weeks in." Jimin said, folding up the little onesies and admired each and one of them.

"May I?" Yoongi grabbed the hem of Jimin's shirt, hinting that he wants to feel his baby.

"Sure..." Jimin layed back on the headboard, getting comfortable as Yoongi lifted up his shirt, revealing the slight bump. Jimin giggled softly as he felt Yoongi's nose nuzzle his bump.

"Hi, baby... Daddy's here. I already love you."

'MY HEART' Jimin thought.

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