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Jimin paced back and forth in the bathroom, waiting for the test results. It's time to find out. His mother is waiting outside the bathroom, crossing her fingers.

Every man is required to take a carrier test either by home or doctor. It's the law to require male teenagers to take.

Jimin's phone ring, meaning five minutes were up. He picked up the test with his sweaty hands, and shakily turned it over.


"Oh my gosh..." Jimin mumbled loud enough for his mother to hear.

"Jimin? Baby, what did the results say? Are you carrier or not?" She asked, gently turning the knob and opening the door slowly.

She saw her son looking pale with shakey hands. She went closer and took the test from his hands and read it.


"Awe Jimin, baby. There's nothing to be scared of. All we need to do is bagged this, and we'll go to the doctors for clarification. Okay?" She said. Jimin nodded slowly and went to hug her.

"'M sorry, mom... I'm just scared, that's all..." He mumbled into her shirt. His mother cooed and hugged back.

"There's nothing to be scared about, sweetie. I'll be here, your brother will be here, and your dad." She reassured as she pulled back and caressed her sons cheek.

"Gosh, I don't deserve you guys..." She slapped her son's arm, making him wince.

"Yes, you do! If Valentine's Day didn't exist, you'd still be in your father's ballsack!" She yelled.

"Omg, mom! TMI!" Jimin covered his ears while his ears and running away while his mother laughed. He made it into his room and shut the door, blocking that laugh.

"Jimin," His mother knocked, still laughing a little, "I'm sorry, sweetie, but I'm informing you that we'll be going to the doctors tomorrow with your brother. He's just tested negative."

"Okay, mom!" Jimin's voice cracked, making his mother laugh even more. He hid face in embarrassment even though no one can see him, but Mr. Bubbles is!

"Okay, baby. Get some sleep." He heard footsteps fading away, meaning his mother was gone. He whined and grabbed Mr. Bubbles from the pillows.

"Aish, Mr

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"Aish, Mr. Bubbles... Why do I have to be a carrier? I know I'm gay, and my friend Jungkook keeps calling me a bottom, which he is too! I get a high chance to poop out a baby... Hope is with someone that I love. Right, Mr. Bubbles?" Jimin made the stuffed pig nod his head. He chuckled and hugged the pig with all his might. "Let's go to bed, Mr. Bubbles. I think I'll take you to my appointment tomorrow!"

Jimin adjusted himself on the bed along with Mr. Bubbles as well. He lifted the covers and covered them both. He pecked the animal before shutting the lights off and going right to sleep.


What do you think?

I finally got dark mode uwu

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