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Yoongi scoffed, "How am I supposed to know that I'm the father? You may be lying to me and get me to spend money on you and that creature that you're baking."

"Well, excuse me that we did the thing, and you didn't wear a fucking condom! Don't blame this on me when it's your fault too!" Jimin shouted as he stood up, getting ready to leave the office, not wanting to be in the same room with him.

"You said that you were taking birth control, meaning it's effective! Were you taking them every day?!" Yoongi yelled.

"I-I-I... I did! But not really? Because I didn't want anything to affect our baby!"

"It's yours. Bold of you to assume that I'll be sticking by you for nine months with that thing. No." Yoongi walked away, pushing Jimin slightly on the way.

Jimin's tears roll down to his face as he rubbed his stomach. He's officially don't have a baby daddy nor a friend for comfort.

"I'm sorry, baby... It's just you and me. Hopefully, our family will help us." Jimin mumbled. He stood up and straightened out his clothes. His lower back is still hurting, but he'll have to ignore that the whole day.

His heart felt heavy. All those dreadful feeling comes at him all at once. He's pregnant, of course, you're going to get emotional about this. But Jimin didn't know what to do. He's still a teenager.


Jimin camped at the baseball fields. He didn't go to any of his classes because he didn't felt like it even though his health class will be covering the topic, How to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

He didn't want to hear any of it since guilt will run through his mind. He checked his phone, seeing that school is almost over and message from Jungkook. He sent a photo of him wrapped up in a burrito with tissues stuffed up his nose.

"Hey, Jimin. What are you doing here?" A deep voice asked. Jimin could immediately recognize that voice.


"That's me~" V cutely said and sat next to Jimin. "Now, answer my question? What are you doing here? It's cold and almost raining. I don't want you to catch a cold."

"Oh... Um... Just getting fresh air, ditching class, the per usual."

"The per usual?" Jimin nodded, and his fingers grazed over his stomach. "H-Hey... Do you think you could drop me off somewhere?"

"Yeah. I don't have anything to do. We can go now if you like."

"Y-Yeah... Please."

V nodded and held out his hand for Jimin to take. Jimim smiled a little and took his large hands into his small ones. They walked to the parking lot, which the school bell rings, meaning the day is over.

They went inside the expensive car, and Jimin gave him directions. Earlier, Jimin thought about it and searched it up on his phone. He is thankful that V didn't know the place, but he will know soon.


"Jimin, why are we here?" V asked confusedly when they arrived at the Planned Parenthood Clinic.

"I-I'm... I-I'm sorry, V..." Jimin croaked out, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Why are you sorry for? Jimin, nothing is embarrassing to be checked out if you're a carrier or not or getting birth control or getting tested. There's nothing wrong with that." V said, taking Jimin's hands.

He shook his head, "No, no, that's not it, V... I-I'm pregnant..."

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