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V hugged the sobbing now pregnant male. He rubbed his back with comforting back rubs that made Jimin calmed down a little.

"Hey, it's okay, Jimin. I'm here." V whispered into his ear. Jimin nodded and pulled away.

"I'm sorry if I'm like this... I-I need to pay you." Jimin said and quickly grabbed his backpack, where he contained his lunch money. He saved a lot since lunch food doesn't agree with the baby.

"No, you don't need to Jimin. Driving you here is enough." V said, grabbing Jimin's hands from the backpack. "How about I'll go with you inside if you want me too."

Jimin couldn't say no since his baby daddy won't be there for him. What would he expect? His brother said not many baby daddies come stay with baby mama's and help them.

V fully parked the car in front of the clinic, and they both went out and went inside. Jimin shivered at the cold temperature and half of the stares of the pregnant women and men.

Jimin went to the front desk, where he met with only a teenage receptionist who clearly doesn't give a fuck. She gave Jimin a clipboard and went back to texting on her phone.

He awkwardly smiled and went to sit down next to V. He looked at the clipboard and wrote down his necessary information.

"How long were you pregnant?" V asked.

Jimin shrugged, "I just found out yesterday." He messily scribbled down his signature and have back the clipboard to the girl up front. She lazily took it and gave Jimin a blue condom.

"Umm..." He didn't question further and went to V.

"What in the hell she gave you?" V asked, smirking playfully, knowing what the girl in the front gave Jimin. He just wanted to tease him.

"Don't make me say it..." Jimin muttered, his face flushed pink as he tightly holds the condom.

"I need you to say it~" V said, burying his head into Jimin's neck. His small breath tickled Jimin, he scrunched up and giggled as V snuggled deeper into his neck.

The scene moved the people in the waiting room. Two teenagers were having fun with one another without seeing them on their phones.

Their fun was cut when a nurse called Jimin's name. Both males stopped what they were doing and followed the nurse. They proceeded to the room in the far corner. Jimin sat on one of those long bed thingies and V on the other chair.

"Okay, Jimin, my name is Dr. Han. According to the clipboard, you're already tested for carrier and already been prescribed for birth control. Is there anything wrong?" Jimin started to pick on his fingers, but V was quick to hold his hands. V gave him a sign that everything will be alright.

"Well... I'm pregnant... And... I just want a regular checkup..." Jimin said.

"Okay, darling, no need to he nervous. We have a lot of patients who are like you. Now, lay on your back for me, please, and we'll check the little bean." She said. Jimin did what she told, still holding to V's hand. Even though his hand is kind of cold, they're sharing heat together.

Dr. Han lifted Jimin's sweater a little bit and began to prepare for the ultrasound. V took a chance and looked at Jimin's tummy. At an angle, it seemed a slight curve, and his belly went soft. V's heart pangs at the thought of someone knocking Jimin up. It could've been him...

"Okay, Jimin. It will be a little cold. So bear with me." Jimin nodded. He hissed a little when a cold substance went onto his tummy. Dr. Han put the wand on Jimin's stomach and waved it around until he saw the sack and a little bean. "Well, Jimin, would you look at that." She said, turning the screen over to both males.

Jimin stared and couldn't believe his eyes. That's his little muffin. A small bun that he and Yoongi created. His tears were visible as it rolled down to his face. As for V, he is shocked. He didn't know something living could be so emotional and beautiful at the same time. Even though that's not his baby, he swore that he'd be there for Jimin and the baby, if he'll let him.

"You are three weeks pregnant, and your baby is healthy and growing. Do you parents want pictures?" She asked, looking at the two teenagers.

Jimin blushed red as he nodded while V smiled. Dr. Han bowed and turned off the ultrasound and left the room to get the pictures.

"You hear that? She called us parents." V said proudly as he puffed out his chest. Jimin laughed and slapped his arm.

"V~" Jimin whined.

"But Jimin... Who is the father?" V asked seriousness took over his aura.

"Um...," Jimin picks on his nails, but he answered, "Your friend... Suga." V eyes widen and immediately hugged the younger.

"Jimin. I'm so sorry! Did he left you?"

"Y-Yeah... I'm alone... I'm scared." Jimin admitted as he buried his face into V's chest, inhaling the expensive colonel that he liked.

"Shh... Jimin. I'm here. I'm sure your friend, the bunny looking one, is going to be with you. And so am I."

Jimin lifted his head to face V, confusedly.

"Jimin, let me be the father to your child. Let me love you, as well."

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