"I need you."

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Newt's POV

I breath deeply as I stand beafore The Maze. This morning guilt washed over me. I was the reason Katy was not eating. Me . My fault. I hated feeling responsible. Minho and the other Runners will return shortly and when the door is about to close....I will run in. I have to.

Suddenly I hear heavy breathing and smell the stench of sweat and I look up. Minho was hunched over catching his breath, he looked pale and worried. He finally caught his breath and scanned his notebook that was filled with data about the changes of The Maze.

He finally glanced my way and saw me. He gave a curt nod, which is really odd. He breaks eye contact and hurries to The Map Room. Minho NEVER greets people like that. He usually hollers insults or sassy remarks.

Everytime execept this week. My doing, I am the one that caused this. If only I never kissed her.

The loud, familiar sound of the walls grumbling snatches my attention. This is it. I breathe as I slowly wall towards the entrance. It's my fault Katy got sick, all mine. Tears sting my eyes and I am about to take another step closer when someone calls my name.

Alexandra's POV

I knew what Newt was doing. He was entering The Maze. For what I don't know. He is going to get himself killed. I can see him edging closer and relise I have to act now. I sprint to him, my legs working before my mind does. Before I can stop myself, I call his name.

"Newt!" I scream getting closer. He turns around surprised as tears produced in his eyes. He shakes his head violently and walks towards the closing entrance which is a quarter a way closed.

"Newt!" I scream again. I finally crashed into him pulling him away from The Maze. He struggles against me trying to rip free from my grasp.

"Please- don't go in there! Do you want to get yourself killed?!" I shout at him pushing him further away. He kept struggling, tears glistening on his cheeks. He shook his head.

"Give me one good reason, I shouldn't just bloody die. I know you haven't been eating and that's my fault." He sniffed fighting against my grip. I look back at the door which are slowly closing. 3/4 to go.

"Newt- it's not your fault. Honestly, it was my decision..." I trailed off trying to think of a reason why he shouldn't die.

"I need you." I whispered looking into his eyes. His body stiffened and he stood still staring into my eyes. He shook his head.

"Not good enough." He grudges beginning to fight my grip again. He succeeded limping a few step. I stopped in front of him again.

"Newt! Stop." I shouted digging deep into my mind for a reason.

"Newt!" I stopped in front of him, I glanced back the door was almost closed. He finally stopped for a brief secound and I said the first thing that came to mind.

"Kiss me."

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