Trouble Lurks Behind The Truth

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I woke up with a start, the horrid memories of Hunter swiping the blade across my skin . I shivered.

My eyesight blurred like an unfocused camera and then sharpened. Concerned Medjacks, Jeff and Clint, stood there watching me. My eyes drift across the room and I see a relieved Newt and a worried Thomas.

I struggle to understand what is going on and I try to sit up from the uncomfortable cold table. Thomas rushes toward me immediately, his face displaying a worried expression.

"Alexandra! Your alive! I thought you were gone for good. You didn't arrive at 10 a clock last night and I went out looking for you. Then I found you passed out with blood all over your hands and I felt really bad and hurried to Clint and Jeff." He rambled expressing himself through motions with his hands.

Despite the horrible, aching pain I managed a soft chuckle. Tears escaped his eyes and he managed a soft chuckle. He stroked me hair comfortably his eyes locked on mine.

"I will never leave you Tom. Never in a billion years. I'm still alive. I'm still breathing." I breathed, demonstrating. He choked a nervous laugh. His hands clasped mine tightly. He planted a kiss on my forehead gently. He leaned back, his face red and bags noticeable under his eyes.

"Thanks for everything Tom. Did you stay here all night?" I questioned.

He glanced at me sheepishly.

"Yeah- I was too afraid to leave you alone. I never fell asleep. I couldn't. Not while your heart was still beating." He breathed, shaking his head.

I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"Go get some sleep Thomas, you deserve it." I countered displaying a weak smile. He nodded, giving me one last final kiss on the cheek and then leaving. Clint and Jeff looked emotional too and I cannot thank them enough for what they have done. My gaze shifts over to Newt and I remember Hunter's plan. My eyes automatically went firm and emotionless as Hunter's had been the night before.

Newt glanced at me worriedly, rushing up towards me. I could see jealously coating his irises.

"What the hell do you think your doing? Kissing Thomas like that ?! I am your boyfriend Alexandra Marie Lo-"

"What the hell do ou think YOUR doing Newt? Trying to murder me his because you were jealous of Thomas and I kissing!!!" I screamed despite my raw throat. His eyes turned confused and his hands clenched into right fists. Be murderous. Hunters voice screams I my mind. I will.

"What? I will never do that Alex!! You and Thomas were kissing before this happened too? What happened to us? What do you think you are doing cheating on me?! I knew you and Thomas had a thing." He runs his hands through his hair I frustration. He edges closer to the table.

"Yes you did. I remember! You should be locked up in the bloody slammer! Banished even. You attempted to murder me. Murder me. You disobeyed one of your own stupid rules. I'm not even cheating on you."
I spat viciously which caused Jeff and Clint to look up fro their busy task to organise the immunisation needles.

Newt was right up next to the table. He sneered down at me.

"I did nothing to you. How could you say that? What did Thomas do with you?" He screamed. My eyes bulged out nearly out of their sockets in feigned anger.

"Yes you did. That's low, you lying, even for you. Easily, your guilty. It's my blood on your hands. Where were you at 10 a clock last night? Yeah I know that answer- in the Deadheads where you saw Thomas and I kissing and decided as my punishment you shall murder me and stab me multiple times." I screamed.

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