~Medjack Alert~

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The place was so beautiful. It had lanterns woven through thick rope that was tied to the trees. It lit the place up wonderfully.  In the centre of the light was a big pond or a small lake. The water glimmered and looked so cool. I hugged Newt tightly.

“Thank you Newt- it’s beautiful.” I breathe looking at the table filled with my favourite fruits and vegetables.

“I know- I decided you needed some cheering up after the whole Track-Hoe injuries thing.” He smiled motioning at the custom –made area. Great thing was… this was our special place. No other Glader knew about our place. It was secret.

“By the way- are you sure you are okay?” He asked tilting his head. I smiled, his protectiveness was so funny and adorable. I glanced at my hands that were covered in 8 plasters after the 5 incidents with the pliers.

“Yeah! Of course I am.” I shrug. No big deal. Suddenly I was thrown of my feet and I tumbled into the lukewarm water, mushy mud tickling my feet. I resurfaced spitting out the water I swallowed. Newt stood there laughing like a maniac, his face red and he gasped for air laughing and pointing at me. I frowned. I pretended to have struggle swimming. I flailed my legs kicking uselessly. My face bobbed in and out of the water.

“Newt- I can’t swim.” I choked waving my arm in the air for help. I heard a big splash that blinded me as water poured into my eyes. Newt grasped my waist pulling me towards the edge of the pond. I continued to fake cough trying not to smile. My plan was working.

He dragged me to the edge and put me down carefully. He crouched down holding me tightly, offering me the towel he brought. I huddled under the warmth of the towel pretending to breath heavily. He looked genuinely scared asking me if I am okay, I continued to exhale loudly.

“I am gonna find the Med jacks.” He announced with his thick accent that seemed to get more noticeable when he was under stress. He hurried into the Deadhead forest clambering over weeds and bushes calling urgently for the Medjacks.

“Newt come back!” I coughed fakely. He turned around and came back a look of confusion on his face. He furrowed his eyebrows.

“What?” He asked crouching down again.

“Is there something on my face?” I coughed. He looked confused by the question and leaned in searching for anything.

I leaned in and pressed my lips against his cheek and laughed loudly. He seemed frozen and confused. I laughed so much that my stomach burned with the effort.

“W-what?” He stuttered.

“It was a joke!” I squealed laughing.


We have some Kewt/Naty action here, will they ever be a couple??

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