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Newt arrives early in the morning to take me to the kitchen for breakfast. I hastily agree eager to be free from the painful restraints. He quickly unties the restraints, and my legs feel numb from lack of walking and moving. My whole body feels foreign and stiff.  Luckily, my horrible headache has passed. I feel slightly dizzy as I rise, I cling onto Newt’s arms for support as he guides me out of this medical room. Blinding light stings my eyes when we enter the hallway.

“I’m free!” I shout excitedly as I try to get some feeling back into my body. Newt laughs as we enter the kitchen. The dining area was packed with sweaty, energetic boys stuffing their faces full with their meal. The room was about the size of two netball courts excluding the kitchen. We find an empty table to the far left of the smelly place. Surprisingly, the table is quite clean. There were only two seats as Newt claims the seat opposite me.  I realised only one person was in the kitchen.

He had a stubby beard, ragged clothes and a rotting teeth smile. I wince.

 “That’s Frypan.” Newt catches my gaze to the older boy, maybe 18, frying bacon in a rusty pot. I nod.

“He is nuts about bacon, trust me, its delicious. What would you like?” He questions glancing at me.

“Food.” I sarcastically retort. He laughs again shaking his head jokingly. I end up ordering a massive plate of food filled with a pile of crispy bacon, 3 runny eggs and 2 burnt hash browns . I also had toast but Newt was still hungry so he had mine.

The food was so delicious, despite the living conditions and the appearance of Frypan but I swore I saw a black hair stuck in the butter Newt just ate.

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