~The Memory~

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2 strong hands grasped me by the waist, pulling me gently away from the strange, mysterious exit. I looked over my shoulder quickly and saw a glimpse of dirty blonde hair. 

"Hey- don't go near that door.." Blondie whispers. I nodded absentmindedly and stared at the ivy concealed walls surrounding the vast field. The entrance was still misty and gloomy. I was drawn back to reality by the boy's British accent.

"What's your name?" He asks simply forcing me to look at him. I thought hard about it. I don't know why I was here. I was confused. Who am I? Where is this place? What's beyond those walls? I struggled through my mere memories.

"Katy." I finally concluded looking into his eyes. He nods grinning.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl. Names Newt." He smiled sweetly extending his hand. I hesitate, raising my eyebrows to him.

"I don't do handshakes. I do high fives." I emphasized. 


I see myself through my eyes. But it's not me. I am not talking. This is the past. I stand swaying nervously in a room filled with computers and devices with difficult codes displayed on them. Tall white clothed people scribble on clipboards and sharpen tools. I look next to me and I see him. His dirty blonde hair and amazing smile. His hand was holding mine while we gaze at the scenario around us. We looked about 15. 

"Katy, you have to listen to me. They chose us for a reason. We have to go through with this. I might not see you for a while. I'm not sure what they are doing but I know we are special in a way. Please just remember me when I'm gone. Please protect yourself." He breaths pulling me into a hug and then he leaves into a strange white room stealing a final glance at me. I sob. He's gone. For good.

(A/N You will see what I mean later.)

--End of memory---

"Katy?Katy! Are you alright can you hear me?" A British voice rings through my ears. I groan and sit up slowly feeling the matted blood in my hair. My vision is extremely blurry, then sharpens like a camera turned to focus. Newt kneels beside me taking a loud sigh with relief. I grimaced when I spot the layer of black blood on my hand. Newt suddenly pulls me into a hug and I find myself thinking about my dream. Or was it a memory? 

"Newt..where am I?" I groan standing up slowly. He looks at me worriedly for a second then shakes his head.

"The Glade. This is where we live." He smiles offering his hand to me. I take it and we slowly walk to a big tree near a dense forest. I slowly sit down relaxing my aching back against the tree. I close my eyes. What have I done to get here? Why me? Are we trapped? I reopen my eyes and look over at Newt staring at the horizon. Finally, after a long moment, he glances at me.

"This is our home." He begins.

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