"I'm fine, just checking the strength of the metal!"

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*That Afternoon*

(I know Newt dosent work as a Track- Hoe, I understand it. But, I made a few tweaks to the orginal Maze Runner to spice it up- everything that is not right I made up, this is a fanfic afterall.)

Newt explained how I need to complete trails for each job. He says it’s required and The Gathering they had while I was in a coma decided that. I sigh and followed him towards the garden.

“This is my job – I offered to let you trail Track- Hoes first.” He grins handing me a dirty shovel. I wince as I saw a giant spider crawl on the shovel towards my hand. I squeal and the shovel clangs to the ground. Newt turns around and raises an eyebrow.

“Katy- what’s wrong?” Newt asked limping over to me quickly. I wipe the back of my hand across my forehead noticing the sweat. He looks kinda amused at me being scared of a spider.

“Nothing, just testing the strength of the metal.” I breathe hauling the shovel back up and inspecting it first before touching it. Thankfully, I saw the dead carcass of the spider squished on the handle bar. Serves you right.  Newt sighs shaking his head. I follow him to the vegetable garden.

He passes me a pair of lady- bug patterned gloves that is three sizes too big. I glance at the vegetable garden, it’s been clearly labelled with colourful cardboard: Lettuce, Cucumber, Potato and Carrot. He passes me a bucket of gardening tools and saw my confused look. He takes one out- A really pointy one that looks like it could do some damage. I gasp and he rolls his eyes.

“This is called pliers. You use them to trim the hedges. Let me show you.” He limps toward a really long hedge surrounding the garden. He extended the pliers and swiftly trimmed a centimetre off the hedge. The shavings drizzled down by his feet.

I tried to copy exactly what he was demonstrating but it didn’t work out so well.


With 3 emergency trips to the MedJacks and 8 plasters later, I am finally down with the trails for the Track-Hoes. Newt looks so effortless at what he does while I am like a confused chicken in a nest full of geese. I sigh as I lean against the trunk of our famous tree Newt and I share. He said to meet here tonight at 11. I glanced around. The Glade was pretty much empty except for the occasional Med Jack checking everything. The wind whips my hair as I shiver. Newt had found a box for me in this months ‘Supply Deliver’. It had different pairs of clothes and everything.

Finally Newt shows up breathlessly running with something.

He threw a pair of pink shorts and top at me. I laughed as he sat down next to me in a different outfit with the same material as mine. His top was a light grey and his shorts was an ocean blue colour.

“What’s with these clothes?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“Go- get changed and meet me here.” He grins avoiding my question. I sigh and roll my eyes running to my room. I threw on the clothes which fit me perfectly.

I was really mysterious as I met Newt back at the tree. He smiled as he guided me through the Deadheads. I was a little nervous since it was really dark. Twigs snapped underneath our shoes as he clambered on into the dense forest.

“I found this place- you will love it.” He says with a smirk guiding me to the open area.

I gasped.

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