Part 7 ~ Dear diary

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I couldn't sleep that night. It was too many thoughts in my head. I tried to puzzle every piece together but it didn't work. I just feel sad that I don't remember half of the people that were on those pictures I looked at yesterday.

I could smell new cooked breakfast and I heard the water running in the bathroom.

I stood in front of the closet with only my bra and underwear, thinking about what I can wear.

The door to the bedroom opened and there stood a fully naked Shawn with waterdrops falling from his body down to the floor. "Good morning" he said tiredly. I quickly grabbed a shirt from the closet and covered my body. "Ah!" I pressed the shirt tighter against my body and he was quick to cover his manhood with his hands. "Gosh, don't you know how to knock?"

"Sorry, it's an old habit" he walked backward out of the room and let the door standing on ajar. "Can you just give me some clothes?" he asked and stretched out his arms between the door and the doorframe.

"Yeah, what do you want for clothes?" "A dress" "Are you serious?" I raised one eyebrow and looked at the door. "No" he laughed "Just give me a shirt and work out shorts"

I searched for the clothes he wanted and then gave it to him "Thanks, and the breakfast is ready if you want some"  I walked back to the closet and I could hear his footsteps walking away from the door. I grabbed some shorts and an oversized hoodie.

When I came to the kitchen the table was full of a plate of pancakes, one bowl of fresh fruit, a can of new brew coffee, a can of orange juice, and a plate of bacon.

Shawn looked up at me and smiled "What?" I said and started to feel a bit insecure. "That's actually my hoodie," he said and laid down the newspaper in front of him and put down the coffee cup. "Oh, I-I didn't know"

"No no, it's okay. Take a seat and I will pour you a cup of coffee" I took a seat and looked at the breakfast. The bacon looked tempting so I took one and started to eat. "Oh no-no. You're vegetarian. The bacon is actually to me" he smiled and placed the cup of coffee in front of me. I spit it out in a napkin and put the rest of the bacon on my plate.

"I'm going out for a quick run if that's okay? Just look around and feel like your home. And I will be back in an hour" he stood up and drank his orange juice in one big gulp as it was a shot.

I just nodded and watched him go to the hall and I heard the door opened and closed. I looked at the bacon stripe that was on my plate and I couldn't help it, it looked so tempting. I took another bite of it before I took my coffee cup and walked around in the apartment. Looking at all the stuff that was in our apartment.

I looked in our bookshelf and saw a DVD packaging and it stood 'Our wedding video' on it's back. I took it out from the shelf, and took out the DVD and laid it in the DVD player and pressed play.

I took a seat in the couch and our wedding video started with me and my friends in a room getting our makeup fixed by makeup artists. We all looked so happy, I talked about how nervous I was and that I will force myself to not cry because I won't mess up my makeup.

Then it got cut to Shawn and his friends in another room. They all tied their bowtie and Shawn talked about how nervous he was and that he can't wait to see me in my wedding dress. That he has been dreaming of this moment ever since we got together.

It took a little while before the actual ceremony came. And it was beautifully made. The whole set up and the filming was beautifully made, it felt like I was there and not on the couch in the apartment.

I walked along the aisle with a beautiful white dress and Shawn was crying with a smile on his lips. When I came up to him he grabbed both my hands and whispered something.

The whole audience got silent and the priest started to talk. And then I started to talk "I promise to help you love life, to always help you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands. To speak my words are needed and to share the silence when they're not. To agree or disagree on chocolate cake"

Shawn let out a little chuckle while a small tear rolled down his cheek. And I smiled and continued "And to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home" Then it was Shawn's turn.

"I've always loved you, now and forever. The promise that never forgets that this is once-in-a-lifetime, and always knowing the deepest part of my soul. No matter what challenges might carry this apart, we'll always find a way back to each other"

"Do you take each other as a wife and husband and promise to love each other as long as you both live?" the priest said and looked at both of us. We put on the rings on each other's hands. "You may now kiss the bride"

Shawn pulled me in for a long kiss. I could almost feel the love through the screen. I paused the video and just stared at it. But I still don't remember anything. Even though I have the proof right in front of my eyes.

I walked to the bedroom to see if I kept a diary somewhere. I looked in my nightstand, under the bed, in Shawn's nightstand, in the closet. But I couldn't find it anywhere. I don't know how the thought came up to my head, but I have a feeling that it's under the couch.

I walked back to the living room and went down on all four and looked under the couch and there it was.

I stretched out my arm to reach it but it was too far away from me. Only my fingertips found touch it and it felt like I pushed it further and further away from me. "Fucking shit" I cursed for myself before I pushed myself up to search for a long item. I walked to the hall and took one of the hangers and walked back to the couch.

A good 5 minutes later I could reach it and pulled it against the floor. I walked into the bedroom and started to read.

Tuesday, January 1st
Dear diary, something is really off with Philip. I have tried to talk to him but he says that everything is good and that I shouldn't worry about that, he is just stressed over school. Which is kinda weird, because he isn't exactly the guy that cares about school.

I didn't read more on that page, I flipped a few pages until I could see Shawn's name.

Friday, June 15th
Dear diary, I haven't written to you for a while. But so much has happened in the past 5 months. A new kid has started in my class, his name is Shawn. Well, he started in my class exactly 5 months ago. Philip and I aren't together anymore. He was cheating on me. I caught him and a girl doing (you know what) in the girl's bathroom. I was heartbroken a few months after that. But everything changed when I and Shawn became closer friends. I have had feelings for him a few weeks and I was too scared to tell him. But he took me out on prom and it was one of the best nights ever. He drove me to a small beach and we were bathing in the moonlight. And then, we kissed. We kissed for the first time and it was amazing. I can't believe that I was kissing him. And I can't believe that we are together. I hope our relationship will last forever and that I won't forget him. He is the best thing that ever happened to me.

I continued to read and was so caught in my diary so I didn't realize that Shawn got home, until he stood at the door opening to the bedroom. "Oh, there you are. I thought that you had left" his gaze glued to my diary in my hands. Before he could say anything I interrupted him "I'm just reading what I wrote a few years ago. Trying to remember"

"Well, how does it go?" "Not so well" I shook my head, closed the diary, and placed it on top of the nightstand. "Can't you like, show me around a little in town? I want to buy a few new outfits?" I threw my legs over the edge of the bed.

"Yes of course. I was actually just going to ask you if you wanted me to show you around a little. I'm just going to take a quick shower, then we can leave"

He walked to the bathroom and closed the door behind him.


Perfect. This will just be perfect. Me and Harper are going to be in town for a bit and then when we will come home a big surprise is waiting for her. Which I hope will help her to remember.

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