36. Spencer 🤓

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The ground was still soaking wet when Spencer went out for her daily run around Rosewood. She had a typical route that she followed every day, from her house, through her neighbourhood, down Main Street, and back. It took her about an hour to get it done, but it was one of the best parts of her day.

After the kiss with Wren, she had made it a point to avoid her family for as long as she could. Eating meals in her room, sneaking out the back door when she wanted to leave, things like that. Spencer knew that she couldn't avoid them forever, but she was enjoying it for as long as she could. Besides, her family wasn't making much of an effort to talk to her.

She blasted music in her ears, her favourite workout playlist at full volume, as she rounded corners and tried to refocus on what was important. She needed to make sure she was still on track for her grades because as soon as she graduated, she wanted out of Rosewood.

Spencer turned down Main Street, only pausing to wait her turn to cross the streets. When she rounded the corner, she saw Jenna sitting by herself on a bus bench. She paused and took out her headphones. Jenna was typing a message out on her phone, and as Spencer watched, lifted the phone to her ear. "Send text now," she said simply.

Spencer gasped quietly, and Jenna slowly turned toward her. She knew Jenna couldn't see her, but she still felt like she was watching her. One of the only other people who knew what really happened the night of Jenna's accident.

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