2. Hanna 💋

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Hanna Marin and her best friend, Mona Vanderwaal, were regulars at the Rosewood Mall department stores. They were notorious for searching around the classy clothing and jewellery stores, trying on accessories and shoes and skirts, purely for the enjoyment of trying on clothes. That's exactly what they were doing now. Hanna looked at herself in the small round mirror sitting on the counter of a sunglasses kiosk, wearing a pair of glasses she wasn't quite sure she liked. She fixed her blonde hair a little bit and checked the glasses out from each side of her face.

The geeky guy working at the kiosk seemed a bit overwhelmed by all the pairs of sunglasses scattered haphazardly across the counter and the attractiveness of the girl modelling them all for him. Hanna turned to him and asked, "Can I see the Pradas in the front?"

The employee shuffled his feet a bit and glanced at the counter. "I'll have to put some of these back," he said.

Hanna frowned and took the pink Gucci sunglasses off, batting her long lashes at him and tilting her head to the side. "But they're all maybes," she said, pouting.

The employee sighed and knelt down to retrieve them from the case. That trick always worked. It was one of the many things Hanna could thank Alison for. Hanna pushed that thought out of her mind. Neither she or Mona had mentioned Alison even once today, and Hanna refused to let anybody see her cry.

Mona turned around from the mirror across from the sunglasses kiosk. She had been looking at scarves for just as long as Hanna had been looking at sunglasses that she was never going to buy. The scarf she was wearing now was absolutely hideous, a black and pink scarf made from what looked like yarn. "Hey, is this me?" Mona asked.

"Or is it a little too much your mother?" Hanna answered, chuckling a little bit.

Mona frowned and turned away to pick a new scarf. She valued Hanna's opinion over everyone else's, especially when it came to the important things like boys and accessories. Before Alison had disappeared, Hanna barely even spoke to Mona, unless it was to laugh at whatever mean thing Ali had said about her. A year ago, Mona had been one of Alison's favourite victims, always making sure that Loser Mona with her glasses and pigtails knew where she belonged in the high school food chain: at the bottom.

Now, though, Alison would've loved to have her in the group. After Alison's disappearance, Mona and Hanna grew close, and after talking about what Ali had done to them, they decided together that they would no longer be the victims of anyone's abuse. Alison had made fun of Hanna almost as much as she tormented everyone else in the school. Before they knew it, Hanna and Mona became the new Queen Bees of Rosewood High School.

Hanna turned back to the sunglasses kiosk and put on the black Prada sunglasses she had asked for, smiling her perfectly straight, white smile. She turned to Mona, who was now sporting a beautiful burgundy scarf that looked fantastic on her. "I'm loving those glasses! How much?" she asked.

"$350," Hanna answered.

Mona cocked an eyebrow, intrigued. The glasses really were perfect for Hanna's face, and she was fully convinced that this was the pair she wanted to leave with. As she looked around the store, watching Mona pose for herself in the mirror with her scarf on, she noticed a familiar face in the upstairs women's clothing section. Spencer Hastings was looking at some of the most hideous blouses Hanna had ever seen. While they hadn't talked in quite some time, Hanna wasn't one to stand by and watch a fashion disaster happen to someone she once cared a lot about. She turned to the guy at the kiosk and said, "I'll be right back." He nodded breathlessly.

Hanna took the escalator to the upper level of the mall and adjusted the sunglasses so they rested comfortably on her head. Her heart raced as she approached Spencer. They hadn't talked in months, and it was nerve-wracking to start again. After Alison went missing and Aria moved to Europe, it just felt weird for Hanna, Spencer, and Emily to hang out. Their group had fallen apart, and with each of them dealing with the grief of Ali going missing, they slowly just stopped talking to one another. They were now perfect strangers.

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