28. Hanna 💋

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Hanna woke up to the sound of sizzling bacon, the accompanying smell wandering up the stairs to her bedroom. It wasn't every day that her mom made breakfast before they went to school or work. Mrs Marin hated getting up early in the morning, unless it was for special occasions.

Hanna got up and made her way down the stairs, her stomach grumbling as she got closer to the kitchen. She saw her mother standing at the stove, already dressed in her work clothes, flipping the bacon over. "You're cooking?" she asked, teasing her mom. It had been a while since she'd cooked anything.


Hanna turned and saw that stupid cop sitting at the kitchen island, drinking a cup of coffee from her mother's favourite mug and reading the newspaper like he belonged there, like he ate there everyday. Detective Wilden had become almost like a new decoration at their house. Was her mom ever going to get rid of him?

Mrs Marin walked over to the fridge and pulled out a carton of eggs. An empty pan already sat on the stove, waiting for Mrs Marin to start cooking the eggs. "Over easy, okay?" Wilden said.

Now he was giving orders to her mom? It was one thing to corner Hanna at school, but waltzing into their kitchen and demanding things of her mother was another thing entirely. "Of course," Mrs Marin said simply.

Mrs Marin glanced over at Hanna as she pulled an egg out of the carton. Hanna raised her eyebrows at her mom, wondering what the hell she was doing making breakfast for the dirty cop who had practically interrogated them without an adult present. It was sickening. Mrs Marin didn't say anything more to Hanna that morning. Hanna stormed back up the stairs and got ready for school as quickly as she could. She couldn't stand another moment in that house with Detective Wilden breathing down her neck.

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