Luke was sitting alone in a booth and when I walked by he just turned his head. I went to the other end of the room and found a table as far away as possible. If he was going to give me the cold shoulder, I was going to do the same. It was just unfortunate that he had to act this way. I was scared too, but you didn't see me toying with his head because of it.

I had lost whatever small bit of appetite I had, so I sat there pushing the food around on my plate trying to get the motivation to eat. When I dropped the fork after 5 minutes, not even having taken a bite, I looked up and saw Luke staring at me. I looked back to the food immediately, but after a minute he was walking by my table.

"Eat your food." He told me as he walked by, not stopping. He just threw his trash out and went out the door. His words only made my appetite plummet even more, and I pushed the plate to the center of the table while I oozed irritation.

By Wednesday afternoon, I was sitting in my room waiting for Sophie to get back. She said she was on her way and it was a two-hour drive so I was expecting her to be here within the hour. I laid in bed and listened to music through headphones for a while. When I heard the knock on the door I sprung up immediately and ran to it. My face dropped once I saw that it wasn't Sophie. I came face to face with Luke, but he pushed past me before I could object.

"I'm not doing this again, can you please leave?" I asked, exhausted from the conversation before it even started.

"Have you eaten since Thanksgiving?" He rushed to ask, completely ignoring my request for him to politely get the fuck out.

"Luke, get out." I said sternly, holding my ground as I held my door open for him.

"I'm not leaving." He laughed, and I brought my hands to my face before I snapped.

"Then I'm leaving." I said, walking over to my bed to grab my phone and ID so I could wait in the lobby for Sophie.

"Stop." He grabbed my arm and wouldn't let go, and when I turned to push him off he grabbed my other one.

"Get off." I seethed, glaring at him while he stood there searching my eyes.

"If you leave I'm coming after you this time." He said, the tone in his voice serious.

"I don't know what you want from me! Just leave me alone!" I shouted, throwing my arms down to break his grip on them as I walked to the door.

"Izzy!" He shouted nervously, but I wasn't interested in stopping. "Izzy I want you!" I stopped once my hand got to the door knob. "Please." His voice broke, and I looked up to see him with his hands in his hair as he watched me frantically.

"That's not good enough." I said, shaking my head.

"Be my girl, Izz!" He blurted out, taking the few steps to close the gap between us. I didn't really know what to say to that, so I stood there awkwardly opening and closing my mouth. "I want you." He said, pulling my face into his hands.

"I don't want you." I said shakily, trying to shake my head again but being stopped by his hands.

"Yes, you do." He refuted sternly. "I'm yours, just tell me you want this." I looked into his eyes in hopes of reading if I could trust him or not, and I felt like an idiot, but I did trust him.

"If you screw me over I swear to g-"

He shut me up by kissing me, and I didn't protest. He dropped his hand to my lower back to pull me into him, and I put my hands on the sides of his chest to grab onto him more. I let him pull me with him as we walked further into my room, and when I felt the backs of my thighs hit my bed he grabbed them and pulled me onto it.

Toxic -  Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now