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I slung my backpack onto my shoulder, pulling my hood over my head when it started to pour. My shoes splashed over puddles on the sidewalk and I sighed, regretting my decision to walk home from school. Adam had taken Elijah and Alyssa to the dentist, Charlotte was still working, Daniel's mom had him busy at the doctor's office for a really bad cold, and Katy and Claire were staying after school for a club. It was just me, the bag on my back and the rain pouring down. Oh how I hate life.

The events of what had taken place a few weeks ago was still fresh in my head, replaying itself over and over. It followed me in the shower and every time I slept, haunting my mind and sending me into a whirlpool of depression.

Katy recommended I try therapy, but the closest therapist was over an hour drive away and I didn't see any point in wasting so many hours of my day. I had Adam and two pups to take care of; I didn't have the time, even if it could help me.

The rain continued to pour and I sighed, feeling the freezing water soak through my clothes. I just wanted to be free for a while, away from the world. Running away felt like the only solution, and I made a mental note to discuss it with Adam. There were too many people in Pleaven who knew us, and word about our relationship was spreading like California wildfires.

I overheard another student mention how the church was talking about me; how my mother was killed and to cope with this, I turned to sin to fill the void that came from losing her. According to them, I turned to homosexuality because I didn't turn to God for help first. They say I was manipulated by the Devil, that Adam was one of his missionaries and that he only acted like he loved me because that was the fastest way to bring me into sin before he left me for another broken soul to corrupt.

I just rolled my eyes at their ridiculous lies. Nothing they said was true; I knew Adam loved me. He was my mate, after all. They just didn't understand that we were both guys who loved each other like a man would love a woman, like a husband would love a wife. Or in our case, a husband loving a husband-a mate loving a mate.

Ever since I went back to school, people have done everything to try and avoid me. Even the teachers didn't acknowledge my existence. It wasn't long for rumors to start spreading; people were intent on believing that I had seduced Mr. Roberts, and that it was all my doing to try and spread the "gay plague". Their theories were absolutely ludicrous, but nothing I could say or do would ever change their minds. Leaving Pleaven was our only chance for a good life.

"Hey, faggot!"

I stopped in my tracks, barely ducking out of the way before a rock came flying at me. A chuckle followed and I glared at Jack, his hand armed with another stone.

"What do you want?" I asked coldly, trying my best to appear unafraid when in truth, I was. Jack scared me, he always has. He was a bully, intent on making my life a living hell.

Jack laughed, tossing the stone up in the air before catching it. "You ask the stupidest questions, Patterson. Isn't it obvious what I want?" His brown eyes locked with mine and he smirked. "My father's in jail because of you. He lost his job. You wanna guess why I'm here, bitch?"

I took a step back, my heart beginning to race as pictures crossed my mind. I didn't want those pictures becoming a reality.

"Leave me alone, Jack!" I shouted, taking another step back when he took one forward. "You have nothing to gain from this."

Jack grinned, tossing the stone aside. "That's where you're wrong, Patterson. You see, I've got nothing to lose. Because of you, my father won't be able to work the career he's always dreamt of having. He's behind bars and I have no one left. How could I ever let this go without seeking revenge?"

I glanced towards the woods across the street when a twig snapped. The putrid stench of a feral wolf reached my nose and I immediately tensed, ready for what was to come.

"Jack, you need to leave," I tried the warn, but the guy shook his head and drew even closer.

"Fuck you, Patterson! I'm not going until I've had my way with you!"

He lunged forward, slamming me into the street. A punch hit my face, and then another in my stomach. I was gasping for air, the ringing in my ears making it hard to hear the sounds around me. A growl came from not too far away, Jack's eyes widening when he glanced up.

Within moments, the wolf lunged, paws pushing him to the street. Teeth tore into flesh and he cried, blood pooling on the asphalt below. He was barely gasping for breath as the she-wolf tried to eat him then and there, claws dug into arms.

I stared in horror, wanting to run and save myself but at the same time unable to leave him to die. I couldn't let her kill him, even if he was my enemy. I grabbed the stone he had dropped and hurled it at her, the stone hitting her in the spine. The she-wolf unhinged her jaw from his shoulder and looked up, growling as she looked at me with a death stare.

Jack groaned, sitting up since his arms were released. He was bleeding badly, his eyes falling in and out of focus as blood pooled beneath him. I needed to find him help quick or else he would die.

"Leave him alone, bitch!" I yelled, throwing another stone. The she-wolf bared her canines, growling menacingly. I backed away as she stepped forward, thinking over my options. I had to fight her if I wanted Jack to live, which meant I had to turn.

Upon seeing Jack collapse, my decision was made. I cracked my neck, getting into position to make the transformation less painful. My bones cracked and bent as they took shape, fur sprouting across my body as I fell on all fours. The she-wolf's eyes widened, recognizing this as a fight.

I was ready.

I lunged forward, knocking her to the ground. She rolled across the asphalt and into the grass, growling as she tried to get up. I didn't waste any time and lunged again, digging my teeth into her belly before she could roll over.

She howled, kicking her limbs in an attempt to kick me off, but I held on. I dug my claws into her stomach as well, trying to do as much bleeding damage as I could. The she-wolf growled, eyes widening as she looked around frantically, crazed.

Her teeth dripped with saliva and blood and she tried to swipe a paw my way, but I pulled back in time and caught it in my mouth, digging to the bone and snapping it completely.

Her eyes looked completely crazed. It was obvious she wasn't herself, as if her wolf side was the only side to her. It made me pity her, but only because she had to die this way.

I let go of her paw and stared down, watching the quick rise and fall of her chest as she bled out. I bent down and caught her throat in my jaw, feeling her pulse against my teeth before I bit down as hard as I could, her body giving a quick jolt before going completely still.

I stepped back and stared at her, watching her fur retreat and be replaced with soft skin. Her green eyes stared at the sky with a lifeless gaze, neck covered in a massive wound that wouldn't stop bleeding.

I turned away and quickly transformed back, hoisting Jack up bridal style. I didn't care that my clothes had torn completely and now laid in tatters on the street, I just had to get Jack to a hospital quick.

I ran as fast as I could with his large body in my arms. It was a challenge, but the first house we came upon had an older lady living there who called an ambulance the moment she spotted us. She didn't even question why I was naked, just handed me a pair of clothes and told me to wash up. I could tell from the look in her eyes that she knew something.

The ambulance arrived in minutes with police cars in toll. While the ambulance rushed Jack to the hospital, two cops questioned me on what had happened. I explained to them that there was a wolf attack and that Jack and I, along with the girl, were skinny dipping in the lake close by. They left to go find her body, and the lady who had helped me offered her phone so I could call someone.

It was hard explaining what happened to Adam, especially since he wouldn't stop checking me for any injuries. Elijah and Alyssa were just as worried, and Daniel did everything in his power as a mate to make Eli stop crying.

By the time we had gone home, it was a couple hours past the time we usually are dinner. Charlotte had food ready for us to eat, and I was grateful to be with my family.

I just hoped Jack survived.

His Rogue [werewolf bxm]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora