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| 2 am meetups |

corbs ☠️🖤
hey, i know it's like
2 am, but can we meet up?

jo 🕊🤍
uh, yeah, ofc
jo 🕊🤍

corbs ☠️🖤
the park at fifth street?

jo 🕊🤍
i'll be there in ten :)

jonah found corbyn sitting on a wooden bench, a hoodie covered his brunette hair. "hey, what's up?" jonah called out, and corbyn gave him a small smile. "i don't know, honestly–i guess i just couldn't sleep–and you're the only one i wanted to talk to" corbyn admitted, letting out a nervous laugh. "are you okay?" jonah asked, knowing that something was off with his friend. corbyn let out a sigh and his leg began to bounce, something jonah noticed right away. "hey, what's wrong, corbyn?" jonah asked, placing his hand on corbyn's thigh.

"it's just–uh–shit, i don't–fuck it" corbyn took a deep breath before he turned to jonah. "do you ever look at someone who you've known for the longest time–and you never even thought of them to be more than just your friend up until you started to think of them as more than a friend?" corbyn asked, and jonah stared at him, slightly confused. "uh, care to explain a little more, you're rambling" jonah laughed and corbyn frowned.

"sorry, i mean, like say you have this friend, who you've known since like, forever. and you never saw this person to be anything more than just a friend–well, say that's how you saw them until one day you realized you didn't want to see them as just a friend–you wanted to see them as more than just a friend–have you ever looked at someone like that?" corbyn asked, looking at jonah in the eyes.

"is this person someone you actually know, corbyn?" jonah asked, knowing that corbyn was talking about a real person, and not just a hypothetical person. corbyn ran his hands through his hair. "uh–yeah–" he said nervously. jonah frowned. "corbyn, who is this person? you know you can tell me" jonah continued. "it's you, jonah. it's been you for a while now. i don't know when it started–but one day i just looked at you–and everything sorta just changed–i get it if you don't understand or care–i get it if you're weirded out but–"

jonah cut the brunette off by placing his lips onto corbyn's. the brunette was shocked at first, but he slowly fell into the kiss. when jonah pulled away, his hand lingered on corbyn's cheek. "my answer is yes, corbyn. i have looked at someone who once was just a friend and then suddenly i looked at them and everything just snapped. but, i remember the day it happened. and ever since then i've fallen in love with you a little bit every day–"

corbyn smiled softly and rested his head on jonahs shoulder. "what does this mean, jonah?" he asked, after a few moments of silence. "i don't know, but what i think it means is that you're the love of my life, and i don't ever want that to change" jonah smiled, and corbyn looked up at him. "i'm the love of your life?" he asked, and jonah softly rubbed his thumb against corbyn's cheek.

"you've been the love of my life since the day i met you, corbyn"

| author's note |
ahh! i can't believe i'm back to
writing wdw oneshots! this felt so good
to write! i cant wait to see what you
all think of this new writing style i'm
trying out. i love u all endlessly
<3 liv 🦋☁️✨🧚🏻
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FINAL EDIT july 2nd, 2023

 ☆ミ  𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐰𝐨 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora