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the better tik tok boys

tree kid 🤩
now that's just
disrespectful to
the tik tok boys themselves

nerd blonde 🥳
jonah we all know you
have an obsession with tik

giraffe boy 😗✌🏻
can i please change my name
it's starting to get rlly annoying

dumbass 😐
how is it disrespectful
dumbass 😐
i'd call it an addiction but-
dumbass 😐
no u may not it fits u

rip noodz 🤡
hey jonahs obsession
keeps him from tormenting
rip noodz 🤡
so why y'all complaining

tree kid 🤩
now that you say that i'm
gonna torment you more

giraffe boy 😗✌🏻
i'm murdering jack brb

nerd blonde 🥳
i sometimes wonder why
we even decided to become
a band

dumbass 😐
jonah answer me on how
the name of this gc is
disrespectful to tik tok boys
dumbass 😐
because in my opinion we are
way more iconic than any tik tok
dumbass 😐
i said what i said

tree kid 🤩
ding dong ur opinion
is wrong

nerd blonde 🥳
alright i'm outta here
my mom is making pasta
and i'm mad hungry

rip noodz 🤡
daniel murdered me so
i'm dead peace out bitchachos

giraffe boy 😗✌🏻
we rlly out here on crack
giraffe boy 😗✌🏻
anywhore momma is calling
so bye idiots

dumbass 😐
looks like it's just me
and you tree boy

tree kid 🤩
no it's just gonna be you because
i hate you

dumbass 😐
well that's rude

authors note.
this is probably the best group chat i've ever written.
i also did something rlly stupid and sent my crush a picture of chase hudson and he deadass replied with
"oh so this is the daddy material i hear about? i need to step up my daddy game" someone tell me to bury myself in a coffin. anywhore imma skiddadle on outta here adios bitchachos

FINAL EDIT july 2nd, 2023

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