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"believe me jo, this is the last thing that i ever wanted" corbyn rolled his eyes. jonah let out a sigh in frustration. "then why don't you leave then? if that's what you really want" jonah said. "i can't" corbyn replied. "why?" jonah asked, the boy was fully capable of leaving. "because i lov –"


"ow" corbyn rubbed his head and opened his eyes, not knowing where he was sent him into a state of panic. he looked around him and saw jonah completely knocked out, crushed under the rubble of the car. "no no no" corbyn mumbled attempting to get out of his seat. being as small and scrawny as he is, corbyn managed to get out under the car and rush over to jonah. unable to get the boy out, corbyn looked around.

"help!" he cried out and waved his hands at the passing traffic, but no one stopped. corbyn put his hands behind his head and mumbled words under his breath. he went and checked on jonah. "please don't die" corbyn whispered.

his eyes went wide as he saw his phone lying on the ground, broken, but not useless. he dialed 911

"911 what's your emergency"
"me and my boyfriend were in an accident and my boyfriend is trapped in the car"
"is he awake?"
"n-no, he's knocked out"
"okay sir what's your location"
"312 highway just right past the walmart"
"alright sir an ambulance is on its way"

corbyn shut off his phone and checked on jonah again, this time noticing how bad it was. "you can't die, you can't die" corbyn whispered brushing his hand through jonah's hair. corbyn felt a tear roll down his face.

"sir we are gonna need you to step aside" corbyn shook his head. "no" corbyn was pulled away, though he resisted, corbyn was unable to escape the grasp of the paramedics holding him as he watched jonah being dragged out of the car.

in the ambulance, corbyn never let go of jonah's hand. "sir, we have to take him now." corbyn sighed and nodded his head letting go of jonah's hand. "what's your name, kiddo?" corbyn looked up and saw a doctor staring at him with a kind smile. "corbyn. that's with a y not and i" he replied sitting on the bed as instructed.

"well, corbyn with a y and not an i, i'm doctor karev, can you tell me what happened" corbyn smiled softly and nodded his head telling the doctor everything that happened.

"he's gonna be okay though, right?" corbyn asked as he finished telling the story. "i don't know, buddy, but as soon as i know something you'll be the first to know" dr karev gave corbyn a small smile before leaving the room.

not two seconds after he left the room in case daniel and jack, corbyn's best friends. "what the hell happened" daniel demanded as he checked corbyn out, making sure nothing was seriously wrong. "guys i'm fine. it's jonah who isn't" corbyn replied shoving jack and daniel off of him.

"you were with jonah?" jack asked and daniel put his head in his hands. corbyn rolled his eyes. "yes i was with jonah. i love him, you guys" corbyn replied and daniel sighed. "corbs, you know what would happen if your parents ever found out about you and jonah" daniel said.

"i don't care what they think! i love him and i'm not ashamed of it! he is my entire world, if they don't see that then they are blind" corbyn replied getting up and leaving the room.

"hey hey hey, where do you think you're going" corbyn rolled his eyes. "where's jonah" corbyn asked and karev sighed. "he's in surgery right now buddy, when they took him into the trauma room, they realized how bad of shape he was in, but we are doing everything we can to make sure he is okay" corbyn felt tears in his eyes. "you can't let him die"

the doctor put his hands onto corbyn's shoulders. "i promise you we are doing everything we can to make sure he comes out of this alive" dr. karev replied and corbyn nodded.


"this kid is a fighter" corbyn stood up and saw jonah being wheeled into a room. "thank the lord" corbyn mumbled as he ran into the room. "this is corbyn, he's jonah's boyfriend" dr. karev said. corbyn shook his head. "he's not my boyfriend, we can't be together" corbyn said sadly as he grabbed jonah's hand.

"it's love, of course you can be together" the other doctor said shaking his head. "not when both of your parents hate the other" corbyn replied as he ran his hand through jonah's hair. "he fought for you, corbyn" dr. karev said and corbyn looked up at him. "what do you mean?" corbyn asked, he didn't think jonah cared about him enough to fight for him. "when we opened him up, we thought he was a goner, but he defied all odds and survived the surgery, he loves you, corbyn" the doctor said giving corbyn a small smile before leaving the room.

corbyn ran his hand through jonahs hair. "you fought for me? i didn't think you cared that much" corbyn whispered. "i-i always cared" corbyn shot his head towards the sound and tears of joy ran down his face. corbyn placed his lips onto jonah's and smiled. this was his home.

— hi skinnies! this ending sucks ass tbh but i needed to update this book because i haven't updated in forever.

FINAL EDIT july 2nd, 2023 — absolute shit.

 ☆ミ  𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐰𝐨 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora