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there's no reason, there's no rhyme
i found myself blindsided by
a feeling that i've never known
i'm dealing with it on my own
phone is quiet, walls are bare
i drink myself to sleep, who cares?
no one even has to know
i'm dealing with it on my own

jonah wrote down the lyrics and strummed on his guitar, softly mumbling the lyrics he wrote down

i got way too much time to be this hurt
somebody help, it's getting worse
what do you do with a broken heart?
once the light fades, everything is dark
way too much whiskey in my blood
i feel my body giving up
can i hold on for another night?
what do i do with all this time?

jonah scribbled down another verse, once again strumming his guitar and singing the song that simply came to him. the half empty bottle of whiskey sitting merely two feet away from him

every thought's when it gets late
put me in a fragile state
i wish i wasn't going home
dealing with it on my own
i'm praying but it's not enough
i'm done, i don't believe in love
learning how to let it go
dealing with it on my own

jonah was heartbroken, he didn't believe in love anymore, he dealt with it on his own.

i got way too much time to be this hurt
somebody help, it's getting worse
what do you do with a broken heart?
once the light fades, everything is dark
way too much whiskey in my blood
i feel my body giving up
can i hold on for another night?
what do i do with all this time? yeah

jonah felt as though nothing would ever go right after his last relationship, he drank until his body couldn't take it anymore

i drive circles under street lights
nothing seems to clear my mind
i can't forget
it's inside my head
so, i drive, chasing malibu nights
nothing seems to heal my mind
i can't forget

jonah scribbled down more lyrics remembering back to when he'd drive endlessly down the road, just trying to clear his mind, but nothing helped. no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't forget


downstairs corbyn besson listened silently as jonah played the guitar and sang quietly. whoever broke his heart really fucked him up.

corbyn would find jonah passed out on the couch or in his room, empty bottles of beer, vodka, whisky, etc scattered on the floor.

corbyn didn't know how to help the boy, not that jonah would ever accept help from corbyn.

jonah didn't talk to anyone. look at anyone. nothing.

jonah was forever broken

authors note.
well this is another oneshot i absolutely sobbed while writing

FINAL EDIT july 2nd, 2023 — when i saw this song live from barricade, i quite literally started to fucking sob and paul jason klein himself looked at me and i melted BYE

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