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children of satan

satan 😡🧸
oh for the love of
god zach

angel boy 🧸💌
this is satans chat
angel boy 🧸💌
oh wait you are satan

satan 😡🧸
there are moments where
i want to snap u like a twig

twig 🐳
i saw my name and
now i'm here

tasmanian devil 🤡
okay the only person
i want to snap me like
a twig is damon salvatore
tasmanian devil 🤡

satan 😡🧸
zach, we are the only
friends you have-

tasmanian devil 🤡
oh shit u right 😔
tasmanian devil 🤡
then i don't take back what i said

normal one 😳
okay but i have to agree
with zach on that one

angel boy 🧸💌
okay but have u seen
klaus mikalson 🥵

satan 😡🧸
all i'm seeing is
more jeremy for me
satan 😡🧸
wait i didn't mean to say that

tasmanian devil 🤡
AHAH i knew you secretly
watched it

twig 🐳
oh please we all know
stefan is the real hottie

normal one 😳
no one likes his crusty
whining begging ass

tasmanian devil 🤡
and that's on periodt
tasmanian devil 🤡
i'm just glad no one is
fighting me over damon

satan 😡🧸
the only reason
why we aren't fighting
you for him is because you're
the only one who likes him-

tasmanian devil 🤡
hey! he may be an ass
but he's got the biggest heart
tasmanian devil 🤡
kinda like you jonah

normal one 😳
in this moment i'm really
glad we don't live together
normal one 😳
because i'm sure jonah
would be stabbing zach

angel boy 🧸💌
the only man who has redeeming
qualities is klaus
angel boy 🧸💌
i said what i said.

satan 😡🧸
he killed jenna
satan 😡🧸
you know the love
of alaric's life
satan 😡🧸

tasmanian devil 🤡
well technically only jeremys
since elena was adopted

angel boy 🧸💌
"he will always be your first love, but
i intend to be your last. however long it
angel boy 🧸💌
clearly the softest man in the show

tasmanian devil 🤡
y'all be forgetting about
when damon yelled at elena
for her to stop loving him
tasmanian devil 🤡
now THAT was powerful 😳

twig 🐳
but what about when stefan
literally was about to kill
himself and then elena said
some shit and he ended up putting
on the ring
twig 🐳
OR when stefan literally smiles
when he's around elena

tasmanian devil 🤡
if your next text is that stefan
and elena are endgame
i will end your game

satan 😡🧸
jeremy period

twig 🐳
okay i only like season 1+2
twig 🐳
but that's doesn't mean i don't
find stefan extremely attractive

tasmanian devil 🤡
of course he's attractive but
tasmanian devil 🤡
damon 🥵

normal one 😳
i think everyone is forgeting
about matt
normal one 😳
you know the one who was
always wrong place wrong time

satan 😡🧸
we forgot about him because
he literally just stands there
like "what the fuck is going on"

tasmanian devil 🤡
i personally think that alaric
and jonah are alike

satan 😡🧸
enlighten me on why
you think that zach

tasmanian devil 🤡
because you both are the
only real adults in the group
tasmanian devil 🤡
and you want to murder everyone
every five seconds

satan 😡🧸
i- we-

angel boy 🧸💌
the funny thing is he's not wrong

twig 🐳
alright im gonna go
binge watch the entire show
twig 🐳
see y'all in two months

normal one 😳
i'm uncle zack in this chat

tasmanian devil 🤡
well you kinda die within
the first ten episodes so-

normal one 😳
fuck this shit i'm out

angel boy 💌🧸
i'm gonna go watch the originals
now bye losers

satan 😡🧸
bye zach

tasmanian devil 🤡
wow gonna leave me here
to talk to myself?
tasmanian devil 🤡
okay maybe you are

authors note.
i have never laughed this much while writing a gc. this one is by far my favorite

— jorbyns-

FINAL EDIT july 2nd, 2023 — currently am rewatching tvd and i'm on season five and can i just say how much i hate stefan in this season

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