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lovebug z ♥️
i miss u so much,
jo i can't wait for u to come
back home 🥺

bubs 🥺♥️
i miss u too, z,
only a couple more
months and i'll be
back in ur arms

lovebug z ♥️
it's been hard without u

bubs 🥺♥️
what happened, bubba?

lovebug z ♥️
my mama is getting worse,
j, and my dad's not any better
lovebug z ♥️
can't u come home any sooner?

bubs 🥺♥️
lovebug, you know i would
if i could, but i can't

lovebug z ♥️
can we facetime?

bubs 🥺♥️
of course lovebug

lovebug z ♥️
accept decline

jonah tapped accept and zach's face lit up the bunk. jonah's face sunk when he saw that zach was crying. "lovebug, please don't cry" jonah muttered softly. "i just miss you so much" zach said, wiping a tear from his face

"i miss you too, bubba, it's only a couple of months, lovebug, i'll be back before you know it" jonah softly smiled. "it's getting harder, j, i just want you home" zach said, more tears falling down his face.

the two boys talked for a few more hours until zach yawned. "it's almost midnight, bubba, you need to go to sleep, i'll text you when i wake up, okay?" jonah said sleepily, he could barely keep his eyes open.

"okay, goodnight, love you, jo" zach muttered sleepily, his eyes barely open. "goodnight, lovebug, sweet dreams" jonah muttered softly before ending the call. the boy got out of his bunk quietly, trying not to wake corbyn.

he made his way to the front where his manager sat. "hey, jon, do you have a sec?" jonah asked, rubbing his eyes. "yeah, what's up" his manager said, setting down his phone. "is there any possible way i could take a few days and go to texas?" jonah asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

"yeah, i mean if you really need to, i don't see why not, but it has to be a short vacation, you have a show in a week" jon said, causing jonah to smile

"thank you so much, jon, i'll be back in a few days i promise" jonah said.

he was going to see his lovebug


bubs 🥺♥️
good morning
lovebug, i'm gonna be
out of service for a little
bit but i'll text u as soon
as i can
bubs 🥺♥️
also i'm sending you something
in the mail and it should be there
this afternoon
bubs 🥺♥️
i love u so much

lovebug z ♥️
okay, i love you too


jonah stepped off the plane and smiled. only a few more minutes and he'd be back in his lovebug arms.

jonah got an uber and made it to zach's house, jonah couldn't contain his excitement anymore.

bubs 🥺♥️
the package just arrived, why
don't you get it

lovebug z ♥️
okay, i miss u

bubs 🥺♥️
i miss u too

jonah smiled widely as he heard zach walk down the stairs. as soon as he opened the door jonah smiled. "delivery for zach herron?" zach's entire face lit up and he jumped into jonah's arms.

jonah swayed back and forth and cradled zach's head in his hand. "you're here" zach muttered and jonah smiled. "i'm here" he muttered softly.

"i love you"

i love you

authors note.
i'm in tears. this is the softest thing i have written and it's making me cry. i can't with my own writing. alright love u all and stream all my friends by aj mitchell

FINAL EDIT july 2nd, 2023

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