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quarentiners 🤡

jonuh 🤩
oh for the love
of god zach

the runt 💀
this time it wasn't me
i swear to god

elsa 🤠
at this precise moment
in time i thought this name
would be appropriate

giraffe boy 😖
i'm glad we are all in
quarantine or else i'd
go and bury corbyn

skater boi 🥳
jonah and corbyn live
skater boi 🥳
i'm sure jonah would bury
corbyn if you asked him

jonuh 🤩
i regret buying a house with

elsa 🤠
no you don't because
uno. i cook
elsa 🤠
dos i clean
elsa 🤠
tres. it was either me or zach

the runt 💀
you chose elsa over me
the runt 💀
you disgust me 😤

jonuh 🤩
ok u right u right
jonuh 🤩
i'd rather live in a igloo
jonuh 🤩
yes i chose elsa over u
have u seen yourself

giraffe boy 😖
damn u all be roasting
each other

skater boi 🥳
it's corbyn zach and
jonah, dani
skater boi 🥳
what do you expect

giraffe boy 😖
i'd actually like to see
them three living in a
house together

jonuh 🤩
zach would be buried
within three seconds
of him living with us

elsa 🤠
elsa 🤠
i wouldn't mind if
zach lived with me
elsa 🤠
he'd just need to not be

the runt 💀
i feel like you gestured
towards all of me-

elsa 🤠
yes i did

the runt💀
everyone in here is so
rood to me 😖

giraffe boy 😖
well zach what do you
expect when you spell
'rude' 'rood'

the runt 💀
it's a fun way of spelling
a word dani jeez

jonuh 🤩
no, u just don't know how to
spell for shit

the runt💀
i know how to spell
for shit
the runt💀
see i just did

giraffe boy 😖
that is actually probably
one of the smoothest things
you've said zach

elsa 🤠
jonah be like

skater boi 🥳
it took me a minute but i
finally understood it

giraffe boy 😖
good for u j

jonuh 🤩
you're all lucky we
don't live together or
else there would be four
graves in the backyard

elsa 🤠
phew i'm glad i'm safe
i'm too gay to die

giraffe boy 😖
corbyn i hate to break
it to you but you're not

skater boi 🥳
u live with jonah dumbass

the runt💀
and people say i'm stupid

jonuh 🤩
zach look in a mirror

the runt💀
all of them are broken because
they saw u

jonuh 🤩
i'm about two seconds
away from saying fuck
this corona virus and literally
pounding zach into the ground

elsa 🤠
he'd like that 😉

giraffe boy 😖
this went from
0-100 real quick

jonuh 🤩
corbyn i will snap u like
a twig

elsa 🤠
oh please u wouldn't
even let me kill a

jonuh 🤩
it's a spider corbyn
it's not gonna eat you

skater boi 🥳
unless it can

jonuh 🤩
alright i'm gonna leave
before i lose anymore
brain cells talking to
u idiots

elsa 🤠
i'm gonna make jonah food
i guess because asshole burnt
toast this morning

giraffe boy 😖
imagine burning something
easy as toast
giraffe boy 😖
sigh couldn't be me

the runt💀
oh jonahs gone?
the runt💀
did he finally murder corbyn

skater boi 🥳
oh look the runts back
adios bitchachos

the runt💀
now that's just rude

giraffe boy 😖
it's jack what do you expect

the runt 💀
nothing less i guess

giraffe boy 😖
then stop your complaining

the runt 💀
how rood

giraffe boy 😖
oh for the love of fuck
giraffe boy 😖
that's it i'm out

the runt 💀
fuck, i'm lonely

the authors note.
i really enjoy writing these for some reason. i guess it's because i imagine this actually happening and then i write it out and it turns out like this-

FINAL EDIT july 2nd, 2023

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